originally posted in:AngryArmy
If you are playing on Ps3 and want to be added by others who are playing, leave your name here! This will help us get in contact with each other and play a few games.
User ID: Mosteel831
Class: Warlock (Sunslinger)
lvl: 21+
used ID:T-E-ONE-22 (TEONE22) class: warlock voidwalker Lvl: 27 and rising:D
Titan lvl 26 psn Shikyox3
fjsmit Level 23 hunter. Mic is broken - getting new one soon
Ofnightmare 24 Warlock
Edited by FlashinDoc: 9/22/2014 11:26:33 AMName: FlashinDoc Class: 25 hunter
User ID: Ovan-89 Class: Titan lvl: 26
User ID: lCLydEl Class : warlock (voidwalker) lvl: 24+
Psn:Zorro8159 Lvl 8. Warlock just got the game add me will do any crucible and down to join fire teams
Psn:Zorro8159 Lvl 8. Warlock just got the game add me will do any crucible and down to join fire teams
emarjustchillz Lv25 gunslinger hunter
Name is nexustempest, a level 22 hunter. Just looking for folks i can invite to fire teams for strikes and the like. Want to get my vangaurd rank and points up to start getting the better gear. Anyone who sees this feel free to add me and just let me know when you do it was from here. Thanks for reading and hope to strike with you folks soon.
RichRuzz on PSN. Skilled players for PvE (Raids, Strike, Nightfall, etc) and stomping in PvP. Mic is a must IMO
Lvl 28 warlock looking for people to do VOG with add Mathew905
SteezyJ27 Level 27 titan I have a mic and always on cause no life. I'm down to play whatever though 👍
PS3-imnateking warlock ftw inbox me destinyF and I'll add you
ajmg-2 Im hunter 26 ...im up for 26 and up missions & raid
New to the clan and app, would love to learn more about the game and have some people to play with!
Dirty_Dan_117 Level 26 Hunter
Level 26 Titan. Username: LigerMan95 Im really looking for people to invite me to raids or weekly level 28 strikes.
KILDRAKE. Level 28 bladedancer and i have a mic
User ID: Draconborn Hunter( Maxed Bladedancer and soon to be Gunslinger) Level 25+ Add me for Crucible, any Strike(Weekly also) and any raid
I_SlapNoobs Lv 27 Hunter Mic that I most likely am not gonna use Im just looking for people to do raids and weekly heroic missions maybe other stuff later on.
Edited by cameron13anny: 9/22/2014 1:07:31 AMMain is my titan. Working on others atm. No mic. PS3 id: cameron13anny
User ID: braydend Class: Warlock (VW or SS) Lvl: 26 Have a mic
pop-yotheweird level 26 (almost 27) Hunter have mic, and I run a clan that is almost raid-ready.
Edited by rjskull27: 9/22/2014 12:36:15 AMrjskull27 looking to do raids and weekly, i have a mic. 26 hunter bladedancer. starting VoG message me and we can get this going!!!!!!!!!