originally posted in:AngryArmy
If you are playing on Ps3 and want to be added by others who are playing, leave your name here! This will help us get in contact with each other and play a few games.
User ID: Mosteel831
Class: Warlock (Sunslinger)
lvl: 21+
Psn: aweoneitor1 Class: hunter Lvl 24 :c
Mohammedalhamada Warlock lvl 26
Id BENNAV08 need help with weekly strike Titan lvl 21
Warlock 27 Hunter 27 UN-4CKN0WL3GD3D
Edited by Learn and burn: 11/24/2014 9:59:49 PMLearn_and_burn 27 Titan Have mic Older player (est)
Luis_ASC Warlock lvl 29
Lvl 28 warlock Dani267 With mic
User: datsharkskin Mic: buying one soon. 24 hunter 20 warlock
X-man360 28 hunter, 27 titan Central timezone No mic, plenty of raid exp
lvl 28 Psn Rudie__ Let's go
Esko__HuF Level 30 Warlock & working on 2 others :)
knowmad18. Lvl 27 Sunslinger warlock. Trying to do nightfall if someone wants to invite me
Edited by Sinja: 11/20/2014 4:42:53 AMUser ID: Sinja_- Class: lvl 26 Titan (defender & striker) lvl 21 Hunter (gunslinger) lvl 17 Warlock (sunslinger) LF raiders for VOG and any future raids
Edited by BoltHDZ71: 11/20/2014 2:11:27 AMRun_that_bolt. Hunter lvl 28 lvl 24 titan up for anything
User id: J-rodcan2 Class: hunter Level: 29
TheDarkHunter567 Warlock:26 Mic:no Language:german,english I allways want to Make the weekly strike and pvp
Psn: HerrDvonW Lvl 29 Hunter Lvl 26 Titan Looking for first time VoG :(
Level 26 hunter looking to do VoG Add me PSN- meyfsu
Level 28 sun singer warlock looking for vog normal run add jackdanials1989 I have a mic
Psn: Evertill Lvl 28 Hunter(both subs) Lvl 27 Titan (both subs) 23 Warlock in the works. Down for raids on weekends, looking for other strong Crucible players to fight alongside and against.
PSN: weirdman31 Warlock Sunsinger Primary Level 25 Looking for raid/nightfall group
Psn: zacktan007 Titan both classes Level 26 Please Add me to play a raid
How much longer is the server going to be down
User ID: GhostBelgium class : Warlock (void) Lvl : 27
PSN: Biggat420 Level 26 warlock
psn: iEnit 28 titan