originally posted in:Destiny
My character focuses on intellect, and has full legendary equipment.
I'm looking to find people to do everything basically. Lvl 24 strikes, skirmish, control, the weekly strike (only passed it once so far), the glass house strike, then maybe even the weekly nightfall strike.
My gamertag is avvakk. I have a mic.
Welcome to join http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/252629
Do you want to join the "Pulse Squad" we are a ps4 clan who are looking for strong players. There is 5 of us on now need you for the raid add me on psn @ ProGamerPrescott for a invite
Legion of Bones, We're recruiting active players lvl 22+ for PVP and Daily/Weekly events. Raids are every friday, must be geared and have done your homework. (ie. read-up on the battle, or have completed it before); Clan PVP is every night. {{ http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/292130 }}