Just some thoughts here, maybe you agree… maybe not.
If possible.. how bout discussion without overheated debate. =)
What if… part of the problem with PVP in this game, comes from Destiny not being easily categorized as Shooter, MMO or other genre we are familiar with and can easily identify? It seems to me that peoples expectations are really, all over the place based on their perception of what PVP is or should be. balance issues (perhaps) but I’m skipping those.
I’ve not been one for PVP on a regular basis since Dark Age of Camelot (which I consider the best still). But I have played thru PVP/PVE in basically every decent MMORPG released since 2001.. and I know what to expect in a MMORPG.
It’s very involved and complex process in a lot of cases. You really have to try-hard in order to do well. PVP builds, armor, weapons, resistances, large maps. PvP level ranges, open world, defending massive keeps, conquering massive keeps. Min-max’ing, Zerg Roaming, group vs group, 1 v 1, 3 v 3, and dying in these settings usually is a setback or a handicap as you wait to re-spawn or have to run back to where the action was.. or like in Dark Age.. it could be a 20 minute trip back to the enemy frontiers. Really, no end to the variety that can be found in PVP in a MMORPG, especially with a constantly evolving game and player base.
I’ve done very little online matchmaking PVP in games like Halo, CoD, etc. But I know what to expect there as well, as I’ve watched my son do plenty of Halo Reach and Black Ops…I have tried it a handful of times.. but, by no means am I knowledgeable or skilled at this style at all
It is twitch, it is camping, it is jump , jump, jumping – to me.. just fking annoying.. and I always get my ass handed to me in these settings because I really cannot compete with the kids in these games. Its pretty impressive actually.. albeit annoying as sht. Gear is pretty much visual and weapons are throw away.. usually you die quickly, spawn quickly and right back into the battle.
But here in Destiny.. its all kinda mashed up. We got gear and stats that you would expect to make a difference (MMORPG) mashed together with the jump jump jumping and twitch combat of online shooters (Halo, CoD, etc.)
And I think this is a cause of a lot of the constant It should be like this.. or it should be like that point of views and rants we see daily on the forums. Destiny is both a Try-hard and Twitch PVP experience. With players used to mmorpgs and players who excel at shooters both in here.
I think coming to terms with the fact that we are not really dealing with one style or the other.. but both together in Destiny has been difficult. More difficult, imo.. for the people from MMORPG backgrounds who expect to be able to plan out their sht and do well in PVP, based on gear/spec and skill who are now competing against the Awwww sht ….I gotta SHOTGUN!!, BOOM HEAD SHOT!! backgrounds of the Shooter group. Both groups in Destiny at least, will have to find some middle ground and deal with it one way or the other.
But, we all play for fun at the beginning of the day and a game.. really shouldn’t be as frustrating as it seems for some and I’m sure many will quit over these differences and confused expectations. I hope not, but yeah.
So.. thoughts? Sound reasonable or No, OMG Warlocks, Titans, Hunters and all weapons and abilities are overpowered!!! QQ NERF NERF NERF and shut the eff up? Lol…
That was a long ass post.. sorry.. ignore me if you want!
I think that is a large part of it I don't feel anything is over powered really but the fusion rifle it's one draw back isn't a large enough one IMO. Classes seemed balanced each shine at different times I mean when you can have a defense titan save the whole team from a void walker super. It is those little checks and balances.