Hello fellow guardians!!! I am Yzrael, founder of LionsGuard, an organization made of Divisions that represent all platforms from Playstation to X-Box. Currently our PS4, PS3, and XB0x 360 are active with enough members for fire teams, but our Xbox One Division is in need of members. Please if you're interested in joining us, you can find us here in Bungie.net and also in http://www.clansofdestiny.com/clan/profile/kingsofthejungle. There is really no requirements to become a member except that they must not be currently in another clan. Thank you fellow Guardians
Invite me, 25 Titan Striker/Defender. Active and a great social player, looking for a great team to do everything from dailies to raids and pvp! Active and social player searching for cunning people. Aneelo12.