Reasons to go vegan:
1. Animals have to live in a little cage for their whole life.
2. Millions of baby roosters are thrown in the grinder because they're useless.
3. Calves are taken away from their mum and slaughtered, so you can take the cows milk for yourself, this happens one time a year for each cow, to make sure they don't stop giving milk (they need to have calves to give milk)
4. As you can see on the image, meat industry causes global warming.
5. Because meat industry wastes so much farming grounds, veganism can stop world hunger.
6. The seas are almost empty because of overfishing, 90% of the catch is bycatch (also whales, sharks and turtles that are almost extinct) and the nettings destroy the coral reefs, that are needed for life on this earth.
7. There are kinds of food that give, almost just as much proteins ad meat does and proteins are the only thing meat gives you, if you don't believe me, look at oxes or gorillas, they're vegan and healthy, scientists also say meat causes cancer.
8. It's just wrong to let animals suffer just because you're afraid to try vegan.
If you still have a reason to not go vegan, say so.
If you don't, you should go vegan right now![spoiler]*hugs monkey*[/spoiler]
Edit: for more information about vegan health and nutrition:
Reason to be vegan... Vegan has the chance to prevent and cure cancer. When an animal gets slaughtered for us to consume, its energy is filled with negativity. The negative energy is in its meat when it dies, and so it goes into our body. Hot tempered people are fueled by meat, and with their lifestyle/society. We are made of energy.
Meh I like eating steak and I can't stop eating ham man.
Reasons to eat meat: You are an omnivore.
Reason not to go vegan: be a member of a community whose vocal members are total dicks to anyone that has a different view than them.
Edited by LegendOfWinter: 9/22/2014 11:01:07 AMReasons to eat animals: Its natural
[quote]4. As you can see on the image, meat industry causes global warming.[/quote] So do alot of things OP. By that logic we should go back to being amish or atleast get rid of alot of our technology.
Dude aren't you dutch? We don't do vegan, not as long as there are frikandellen.
I've got free roam cattle. How do I know this? I visit them once in a while.
I eat what I want. [spoiler]WHATEVA, I DO WUT I WAN[/spoiler]
[i]No vegan's gonna Beat the Meat. No vegan's gonna Stricken the Chicken. No vegan's gonna Mistake the Steak. No vegan's gonna Beef with my Beef. No vegan's gonna Awaken to Bacon. No vegan's gonna Fork some Pork. [b]But all vegans are Figs to deny the Ribs.[/b] [/i]
Edited by SoggyDiapers: 9/22/2014 5:04:40 PMI tried a vegan burger once, i have never ate anything more disgusting in my life. Taste like hot cardboard. Ive tried humus, not sure how ppl like that but it taste like im eating a chip with toothpaste. Soy and tofu i find to be rather gross as well. And in no way will i be giving up dairy. That almond soy milk taste terrible btw. Ever try veal? Its worth it, so good. To be honest, ive never seen a healthy vegan. They typically look rather sickly looking. I will enjoy my caged fried chicken and baby calf instead. Is it just me or does everything not cause cancer? Truth is, they have no clue as to what triggers cancer cells, so they place that crap on everything.
Lol don't care If a cow has to get brutally slaughtered and mistreated so I can have a steak then so be it
Reasons to go vegan 1 there are no good reasons
Or we could not become pussies.
*takes bite out of chicken leg* k...
Ha! Sorry was that out loud?
A life without salami is a life without happiness.
Ever heard of Sierra Leone? Find out about the HUMAN atrocities there, let's worry about solving our own problems before worrying about some cows that just fart all day.
I like how people go vegan because, OMG YOURE KILLING ANIMALS! When they're doing just that to plants. I'm like, you do realize that tomato you ate was alive at one point, right? Just sayin.
[i] [/i]
9.The Painful diarrhea
Or or or [spoiler]bacon[/spoiler]
1 and only reason not to go vegan... Vegan's are a bunch of pansies
[quote]If you still have a reason to not go vegan, say so.[/quote]Meat is pretty -blam!-ing delicious and nutritious.
But if people go vegan, they would eat all my crops! I only have so much!
How about we just kill everyone who is not in north america so there will be more food for everyone