Too often have I seen 'hey join my clan' threads. When I was but a 13 year old I too looked for clans here on Bnet. Yet I have grown, both physically and mentally. Many of you have over the last decade as well. Most of you, I'd hope.
So I believe it is time we do away with these childish 'clans.' We must shun them as a community. We are moving onto a new universe, and as such it is time we all grew up a little. As such, I would like to propose the next evolution of these 'clans.' As we have grown, so too much they if they wish to prosper in our new, adult community.
So, brothers and sisters, here is your chance to grow. I welcome to all into the opportunity to join... my cult. Yes, you heard me right. Cult. Cults are far more mature and sophisticated than clans. Any kid can make a clan with strangers or friends, but only the most intelligent and mature can be part of a cult. Many in Hollywood are part of Scientology, and many throughout the world are Christians.
Clearly only the smartest can join cults, therefore the Cult of Burrito is pleased to open its arms to you all. The requirements are simple. To join, you must say you join. This is the most sophisticated method, as opposed to joining a group or adding Lord Burrito as a friend on anything. In fact, even 'following' on is an inadequate method of showing ones' dedication to the cause.
Nay, as the most mature and sophisticated community in existence, we need only the word of a person to bind them to our glory.
I look forward to the expansion of our Community's Cult base. Viva La Cult Burrito, and remember to keep your arms and legs inside the compound at all times.
Lol, I've had voice messages from kids that sound about 6 years old asking if I want too join their clan for people 17 and above, must have mic and 2.0 KD