originally posted in:Official PlayStation Mag
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Howdy, fellow Official PlayStation Mag clan members. This is Dave M here - news editor on the magazine. As part of our Destiny review, we're trying to organise a Raid with you fine clan folk. I've just finished the story having hit level 20 and now need as many high-ranked Guardians to join me for one of Bungie's ultra challenging, six-player dungeon crawls.
The barrier for entry into Raids is steep. You must have reached level 20 and be part of a Fireteam with another five players of the same rank or higher. So… I'm calling for as many level 20+ Guardians as possible to help assist the OPM cause so we can write the most comprehensive review possible. As time is short, we need to organise the Raid this evening. If you want to help (and are at level 20 or higher) send me a PSN friend request - my ID is McMeiks. Currently, I'm hoping to start the Raid sometime between 7-8pm UK time.
Help us Become Legend, you beautiful Team OPMers.
psn: Con_mysterio