I can't imagine I'm the only one, am I? I'm not talking about the Inner Circle emblem but the [url=http://static01.bungie.net/pubassets/27347/inner_chamber.png?cv=3983621371&av=3549667710)]Inner Chamber[/url] one. According to [url=http://www.bungie.net/7_Bungie-Weekly-Update---09052014/en/News/News?aid=12096]this B.net update[/url], you're supposed to received it if you played 4 of the 6 last Bungie games.
The 6 last Bungie games before Destiny: Oni, Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Halo: Reach.
I never played Oni and I don't know how to prove I played Halo:CE, but I [i]can[/i] prove that I played their last 4 games:
* [url=http://halo.bungie.net/stats/PlayerStatsHalo2.aspx?player=Last+Face&sg=3&ctl00_mainContent_bnetpgl_recentgamesChangePage=2]Halo 2[/url]
* [url=http://halo.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Default.aspx?player=Last+Face&sg=0]Halo 3[/url]
* [url=http://halo.bungie.net/stats/halo3/careerstatsodst.aspx?player=Last%20Face]Halo 3: ODST[/url]
* [url=http://halo.bungie.net/stats/reach/default.aspx?player=Last%20Face]Halo Reach[/url]
And yet no Inner Chamber emblem? Am I missing something or is that not 4 out of the 6 last Bungie games?
I'm just bummed because I was looking forward to that emblem and I still haven't got it. It stings a bit, honestly, especially with the B.net post about "Rah rah, heritage!" and rewarding their longtime fans. I've been giving you money for a decade, guys, where's the emblem?
I don't know, does anyone have any information or know how to help me out? Let me know if this is in the wrong forum section too, please
well, go to redeem destiny portal doe , innerchamerdoe.com