When you are using an xbox one party to chat and use your kinect to chat you get a loud ringing sound. I have linked a video to demonstrate the sound.
To recreate this it only happens when you are in a party on xbox live, while you are in-game in destiny, and are using the kinect to chat. Others may not have this issue but 2 out of the 4 people in my xbox live party on the xbox one have been able to recreate this issue
Headphones on through my TV, and in a party causes this for me also. Basically when people go to sleep I have a Audio Out - Headphone connection, but do like to stay in partys. This on Destiny very often causes the mentioned buzzing. However out of a party and on the dashboard, its fine. So it seems to be a gamr based issue related to partys, certain sounds on the game enhance it such as footsteps.