Looking for cream of the crop members specifically to run raids with as well as weekly strikes and nightfall missions.
Use this thread as means of joining up with gaurdians who are level 28 and above so you may dominate those missions.
Etiquette for posting:
Console type/Gamertag/Level/Class/Obj
Ex: Xbox360, AN ARMLESS HOBO, 28, Hunter.
Looking for 2 others to complete the nightfall strike with.
Lower levels can post here to but don't expect to recieve help immeadiently. Communication is a ley element in this game so pretty much anyone who posts here must not be the stubborn or arrogant type and be willing to listen to other players in terms of strategy. Have fun everyone.
xbox one/sanctificate/27/defender titan/ looking for a high end raid team or nightfall strike. message me asap please.