This right here is my life. Two boys one is 3 and one is 1. Give the wife a little booze and shes super happy to go to bed early. However, the baby has a habit of waking up right when a boss battle starts.
And Ive been on vacation at my aunts house in southwestern florida, they are in AA, nothing like being sober on vacation to make one miss the xbox one. #firstworlddadproblems.
Mine just turned 1 and has been up till 4-5 am the last 3 or 4 days teething so I got an excuse when wife wakes up at 3 and I'm playing the game, I just tell her I'm waiting for baby to wake up for medicine so she doesn't wake her up. Then she assumes I'm exhausted every day to help her which equals more sex.
Give this man a Nobel peace prize!