originally posted in:Rooster Teeth Official
I'm a lvl 16 Titan looking for some people to help me through the moon missions. When I first unlocked the Crucible, that's all I've been doing. Now, I want to carry on throughout the campaign but I can't do it without some help.
My GT on Xbox 360 is SeargentD0Nut
p.s. I have a working mic
[quote]I'm a lvl 16 Titan looking for some people to help me through the moon missions. When I first unlocked the Crucible, that's all I've been doing. Now, I want to carry on throughout the campaign but I can't do it without some help. - My GT on Xbox 360 is SeargentD0Nut p.s. I have a working mic[/quote] Level 20 (soon to be 21) Titan here. I beat the game already but always like to help out others with the missions. GT: Tman2698.
Im a level 20 Titan, so sure
im a lvl 15 hunter, willing to grind out story missions no problem what i need is someone to fight alongside me in the crucible. gamertag is EventlessName im in california and play at all different times of the day, just message if you want to get on just remember pacific time
I would like to help but, it have to wait until the weekend or Friday and if you don't have a team already. I'm a level 12 hunter and I think I'm on The Shrine of Oryx.