Corporate never gave me permission
*sticks knife to your throat* do you want to rethink your answer?
I tell you, and corporate [i]terminates[/i] me.
If you don't tell [i]me[/i], I will [i]terminate[/i] you.
Then I guess it doesn't matter.
ugh -_- you're too smart to fall for that okay, tell me or i will decimate your entire family [spoiler]im sorry man[/spoiler]
Saves me money at christmas.
I've already decimated his family tho
why would you do this to me?
Sorry bby
for our next date, I think we should go gliding in the sky and sail into the wind
Can we have sex while sky diving?
absolutely but how
Trust me, it's possible.
o bby let's do it
I'll allow it.