I agree angryjoe hits every point that I saw in this game that was an issue. I am probably never buying the sequel until I see that this problem is never repeated. The only reason I still play it is with my two other friends since this is the only game we can ever play together in. I am really disappointed in the production of this game because I was beyond excited for this story during E3 and then I get kicked to the ground by pay walls and cut story telling. What makes me even more frustrated is that people are still blind sided by all these issues and be-raid people saying that its still a good game and that nothing is wrong. We as the community need to fight back and say we won't take this poor excuse for a AAA title so that they might change there ways. But if we do nothing and let people get away with cutting our story and giving us 60 dollar games and 40 dollar DLC for like 75% of the story then we are just as blind sided as the metal gear community for buying the $40 dollar game metal gear solid ground zero. (THERE I SAID IT BURN AT THE STAKE IF YOU WILL I MADE MY POINT AND YOU KNOW IT!) (excuse my grammar)