originally posted in:The Marty Army
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Ok. It might be too early to set up a clan-only raid (not to mention difficulties matching up people due to work shifts and timezones), but let's give it a shot.
I'll be ready to do a raid (so I assume) this week on the Xbox One. How about the rest of you? Remember, raids are exceedingly difficult, require lots of dedicated time and a minimum level of 25 (though it's really not possible to accomplish unless 26+). If you don't have a lot of time available during the week, please don't say you can make it. Phew. Well...let's see if we can do this. *fingers crossed*
In any case, for all who are ready to go through hell Tuesday, please list your:
-current level
-times available
-system(s) you have Destiny on
PS. - Although I [I]could[/I] play on Xbox One or Xbox 360, I'm not sure if we can set up checkpoints for multiple raids at the same time. If that [b]is[/b] the case, I could possibly do raids on both systems.
PPS. - Since we have no administrative presence on the Playstation systems, it remains to be seen if we can organize for the Playstation versions of Destiny (sorry).
Xbox One:
SteelAssassn (Steel Assassin) - Level 27 Sunsinger/Voidwalker, available anytime this week.
RedPanda1414- Level 27 Sunsinger, available any evening except Tuesdays
Garbage Eater - Level 27 Defender/Striker, available mainly on the weekends
SniperStealth - Level 25 Hunter, available mainly on the weekends
Not a commie spy (NobleJadeFalcon) -Level 26 Gunslinger/Bladedancer, available Friday nights and Saturdays
WinterValkyrie - Level 27 Hunter, available anytime, except weekend mornings and Thursday nights
Belafonte243 - Level 26 Gunslinger, available most evenings and weekends
PickachuOnCrack - Level 27 Gunslinger/Bladedancer, available anytime
Edited by Noble JadeFalcon: 9/25/2014 11:05:48 PM-Xbox One -Current Level - 27 - Hunter -Times available - Friday evenings and pretty much all of Saturday (Usually) -Sub class - Blade dancer is 21/27 and Gunslinger is 23/27 -GT: NobleJadeFalcon