Add me on PSN: D_Slade_Hemm
I have a clan started and am looking to recruit. Simply Super Saiyan. Look us up and send a request!
level 25 warlock looking for people to play with!
PSN: mase_agent 3 System: PS3 Hey any one need a clan just msg me on here or psn or just join my group "Elite Tactical Ops"
[quote]Add me on PSN: D_Slade_Hemm *****************Btw****************** I have a clan started and am looking to recruit. Simply Super Saiyan. Look us up and send a request![/quote] Lvl 29 warlock looking for clan to do raids with send me a join request
Add me DJ__KLAK (with 2 underscores) warlock level 24 curcible and end game!
Darkthrone lvl26 hunter pls add
Add me dmcd98 . 28 warlock and 27 hunter always on
I'll join add me. Plz. Got a Lvl 20 warlock but just got a new hunter.
Psn: dormady13 Lvl 24 hunter, Gunslinger PST Lets go
psn is c_11_c
PSN:ChildOfZues. Need help with thorn bounty soon if any one could help. lvl 26+ and be able to complete the Moon strike
Add: DylBoy5 Is it just me or does it seem like ps3 users are the quietest ones on the forums?
I've added everyone thus far minus one or two. Now to get on the clan you will have to send me a clan request from the website clan menu and seqrch the clans for Simply Super Saiyan and send a request. After I accept if you want to have a clan tag you will have to go back to the clan page and then add it as your psn clan! Thanks see ya at the Tower!
Psn: hammerating
How do I join the clan?
Can you add me please I'm a level 25 warlock and my psn id is Paradox-Arrow
mossleyboy1 level 25 warlock
Add me Primo_kills
Psn: bellAHcopter 26 Hunter
Add me PSN Chimistetro
My power is over 9000 PS3 psn TyFoxx Already in a clan but also play with many out of the clan
hello you can add me psn kamelnet warlock lvl 21
add me : TheeBum Lvl 26 Titan
Hey you can add me, lvl 23 sunsinger