Uh... Sure.
[i]*looks at Rogu suspiciously*[/i]
[i]*gives drink*[/i]
There ya go.
So, how goes the bar. •_• *looks at Elemental suspiciously with inception music playing*
As interesting as ever... [i]*dogs barking outside*[/i] What's new with you?
Nothing much. Just roaming flood forums, dreading Mondays, same old same old. *cat meows outside*
Same, mostly. [i]*wipes bar*[/i] [i]*cat makes a shrieking noise* *dogs stop barking*[/i] ( •-•)
Ummm... *looks outside to see a bunch of kids saying "Wat cless u gona pleh"* •-• Oh no.
Oh my f*cking god.
Well, shit. Looks like they found their way over here again. Should we...?
If you're asking me to help you take them out, yes. If your implying I'm a desticle? *flips table from rage*
Well... I was talking about the wild animals outside. I never said anything about you being a Desticle. By the way, you're cleaning this mess up.
Okay, I'll help