Many of my big concerns gameplay- and story-wise have been addressed several times by many people, so I will not address them in detail, but merely express my agreement with their sentiments.
I think you fine fellows at Bungie did a marvelous job in the art department, and the characters look beautiful. So why do I see them so little? Around the tower, I can sort of see people's faces, but running around in third person is no way to get a good feel of what another player has designed their character to look like.
So here is my proposition: in the inspection mode in-game (and here on the app), give players an option to remove the helmets of themselves and other players to see what they look like. The good folk on the art team worked hard to make those models, Bungie, why not show them off?
Also, the more customization you offer, the better this will be. I know that since this is an FPS/MMO that aesthetics aren't the highest priority, but you've gone out of your way to make a beautiful world, and I would love to see your players celebrate it through extreme personalization and the ability to show their characters off more.
Some more ideas for customization might be scars, freckles, piercings, new markings, etc. A vendor in the tower for such cosmetic changes would be appreciated as well. If part of the reason the story is so sparse is that you wish the players to populate the world with their own stories, added customization options and the ability to actually [i] see[/i] that customization is important.
If you would like us to "become legend," give us the tools to do that. Let the players make their legends playing the game, and then let the audience of their tales tie a [i] face[/i] to that legend.
[b] Edit[/b]
Some more additions to the above from myself and the other wonderful commenters here:
- facial hair
- Tower cosmetic vendors (barber, tattoo/mark artisan, exo modification center, etc.)
- helmet-off cutscene option
- cosmetic battle damage based off of in-game achievements (Battle Damage He-Man!)
I would honestly prefer a vanity piece/customization option for our armor instead of more character face customization. You rarely see your character out of his armor, so it'd be nice if you could get something really unique to wear. Not the class items, those are cool but I want something not everybody has. Maybe you could choose to have put bullet holes in your armor, or like a big ass slash where you tangled with a hive knight. After beating certain bosses or tough enemies you could unlock new things. Like idk a smoldering hole where you took a round from a hallowed acolyte. Stings a bit, but you turned him to dust. I think things like that would be awesome. It'd give each guardian a visual reminder of their own story and give other guardians the ability to see what their brothers and sisters have accomplished. Because having the gear doesn't tell anybody anything other than oh you got lucky and got an engram drop. But if you had unique armor battle damage/accessories that were based off of what game content you had completed that'd be awesome. Like if you best the servitor in the earth strike, you can wear a piece of the destroyed machine as a trophy dangling from your armor. Or just something to let people know "hey I've killed this guy". It's a weird comparison but I'd like each players armor to be like a charm bracelet, each little dent, bullet hole, slash and accessory tells a different story, that you know simply by looking at it.