originally posted in:BL4CK F1RE
We spend a lot of time talking about improvements that we would like to see done in the game. Just wanted to open up a forum to write all our thoughts down and start a discussion on whether these thoughts would add value to the game and how Bungie could implement these changes.
Here's my improvement suggestion. Alright. Here's the deal. I've done the lvl 24 strikes, etc. My buddies aren't quite geared enough to do the Weekly Heroic or Nightfall but they're getting there and you can be assured we'll be pushing to tackle VoG. I've farmed the cave a bit. Not a lot but a bit and have no issue with it but I wouldn't bother if running strikes or missions on higher difficulties gave me some type of chance at a reward! I have never recieved anything worthwhile on a Strike. Ever. Want people to do missions and strikes for reward. Here's how... Lvl 20 Mission/Strike reward system with "Boss" at the end. Give the "Boss" a unique "Loot table" including Exotic, Legendaries, and some combo of ascendant shards/Energy, motes, coins and vanguard/crucible marks. Make each One have a slightly different table to encourage variety in farming said strike/mission. These would be the drop rates for Engrams/Items Exotic lvl 20 - .005% Lvl 22 - .01% Lvl 24 - .015% etc to a max of .025% Legendary lvl 20 - .03% Same setup to a max of 1% Give shards, motes etc a 1% chance to drop Crucible/Vanguard marks 2% chance to drop Rares could have a 5% chance Green engrams, banners, etc (the crap we break down for weapon parts or sell for cash) could make up the remaining percentage to total a 100% chance of the "Boss" dropping something for us to pick up. Use the same loot table for any mission that doesn't actually have a "Boss" to beat but simply an objective to finish and set that as an end of mission reward. I absolutely believe that if Bungie reduced the RNG percentage of trash mobs dropping legendary Engrams to something like .001% and implemented this loot table the "Cave Farming" would disappear, (other than an easy way to get weapon parts and hadronic essence etc.) and we would all do strikes and missions on the highest difficulty we can handle for a chance at the increasing loot reward possibility. I would rather do higher difficulty strikes to earn my loot than stare at a cave and shoot lvl 5 crap for hours on end but someone needs to make sure I know there's a reward in it for me to do so. Unfortunately right now the "Loot Cave" is far more rewarding than a lvl 24 Strike and that makes no sense. What's everyone think?