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originally posted in:Dads of Destiny
9/22/2014 11:18:42 AM

D.o.D Community Feedback Thread

Hi everyone hope you're all well, important thread this one so pay close attention :-) I've decided to put gaming on hold for as long as is needed, here's why... The purpose of this thread is to get some feedback from this community with regards to your thoughts on how you think it could be improved upon, your good experiences, your bad experiences, and everything else in between. What we would like to do is take your feedback and turn your ideas into reality. I will sticky this thread in the announcements bar on the groups front page. Our admin can also use this thread in order to discuss and answer anything you guys share, sort of a community help desk if you will. We really want to hear your opinions regarding everything DoD so don't hold back and tell us what you're thinking! Like I said I'll be taking a back seat with gaming now for a few weeks in order to concentrate on straightening bits and bobs on here, and as always were all available via pm away guys, it's over to you Kp

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  • KP, Great thread and thank you for your commitment to DoD. -I agree with some of the posts regarding clan description for clarity. -I'd like to add, but more in a suggestion to clan admins rather than just general. We took the time over at SaVy to add a mission statement and a new member intro thread. I think admin participation in the clan is huge. Several of our new members had mentioned lack of organization or participation in other clans. -Last one, I think establishing some sort of fun monthly challenge or contest would be a blast and another great way to make DoD a step above the rest. I have a few ideas I would like to pm you if that sounds at all like something admin would be interested in. We are all Dads first and gamers second but I feel if your gonna take the time to establish a clan them embrace it, enjoy it, work on it, and it will be a great place for fellow dads to be, all one big family under the DoD banner!

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