I don't really have people on my friends list with this game (guessing their broke) lol anyways needs peoples to play with.. Would be awesome if you had a mic, don't really like talking to myself.. 18+ I don't like children I also prefer lvl 20 and above pls..GT CATxGOxPURR 187 kk thanks
Xbox 360 btw
Its been a while CATxGOxPURR... tell me do you still do that cute thing with the cucumber and the astro glide? Gets me every time. I remember our moonlit walks on the moon, shooting fallen in the air tubes and cuddling as we watched them suffocate and die. You would lather me in bacon grease and hurl me into a pack of ravenous hive witches in heat, and clean your hand cannon as you watched them perform the forbidden ritual... good times. the cat certainly does purr.
Whale whale whale, what do we have here?
Who cares if she said she's a girl. Guaranteed she now has plenty of people to play with.
so you feel the need to let everyone know you're a girl, you want to talk, and they need to be 18+? there are dating sites for a reason
Pick her up while she is still fresh guys, they just don't come easy these days....
the fact that everytime a "girl" has to put its a girl in the title makes me think 2 things. 1. your prob a 40 year old male petifile. 2. just an attention seeking loser. 3. no i didnt read 1 part of your post.
17 I guess I'm a kid
Love how you ask for 18+ age but can't spell or use proper grammar to save your life
Destinys first prostitute
The thirst is real.
Get a ps4
No thanks, crazy lady.
Do you have an Instagram account?
Such bait...... *sips tea*
A G.I.R.L... http://redpillinvestor.podbean.com/mf/web/8hiadb/I-call-bullshit-t-shirt-sq.jpg
Level 27 titan and level 20 hunter. 19 btw. Add me if you'd like, gamertag is xXxVARKUTAxXx.
well uh I'm not a child and I'm lvl 25 warlock I'll keep it simple and I'm good lol GT : xBeau8
I would be bored to since there's not a lot with the end game so far, bounties, repetitive strikes that usually reward you with crap. Loot cave for life. Off-topic: Also ffs make crucible shaders where you can buy then for 30-50 crucible marks.
Like I been saying all I made this for was to find ppl to play with.. I'm getting all this crap because I'm a girl and it's kinda sad.. Maybe that's why half of you don't have a gf or can even be around girls because you act like children lol it's sad..
You seem to be getting lots of crap because you said you're a girl I'd totally play with you I fail to see how this is any different than a guy trying to find new people to play with good luck ignore the crap they're saying :)
"(guessing their broke)" "Chick" Why did you have to say these things? girl gamers pls
Pathetic. It is posts like this that have some frowning at the girl gamers community. Congrats at setting females games back yet another yr. It is one thing to ask for help, another to ask for help based on your gender. There are many legit females out there that bust their ass to show they are as good if not better than most male gamers and this post shits all over their efforts. [spoiler]you should be ashamed of yourself!!![/spoiler]
[i]That is the most original gamertag i ever seen.[/i]
Robin you idiot quit posing as a girl!
Now why do I get the feeling this is fake? Oh right, reals girls don't internet.