Ok first off, I am sure I am gonna get bashed and made fun of, but this is the honest truth and I feel the need to stand up for others in my situation or those in worse situations.
I see a lot of people saying they get the most kills in PVP and are on the top of the score board, then the guy at the bottom with no kills gets a rare drop.
Well here is why I think completely random drop rate is a good thing.
First of all there are people who just are not that good at FPS, even with lots of practice they just don't got skills. Or the first person view point disorients some. Or maybe they just are not that concerned if they win or lose and just want to have fun with there friends.
There are many other circumstances I think most people do not even think of.
For me I have never been that great at FPS. On top of this I was in a car accident a few years ago and my right hand was injured. It will never be the same. I have to swap to R1 for trigger button (despite always preferring R2) just to be able to pull the trigger down because my hand is always swollen. I also cant use certain weapons ( like Scout rifles) because pressing the trigger over and over hurts more then just holding it down (like with an auto rifle or auto pulse rifle)
I am not making accuses, I am not trying to say without this injury I would be better then everyone, I know I am not that skilled anyways... but it makes me realize that[b] there must be people out there with even worse handicaps then me and they deserve loot too! [/b]There could be someone playing with there feet cause they lost there arms, YOU DONT KNOW! And [b]entitling yourself to more stuff just cause you think you are better is extremely immature[/b].
There are things you can ONLY get from the crucible, and I think everyone deserves a chance to get them.
I love the drop loot system until I get stiffed :)