Recruiting members for The Kronos Order!
We are the Kronos Order (KO) and we are looking for members who are dedicated to playing Destiny for everything it is! We are an all inclusive clan meaning we will do everything from story missions to PVP to help our members achieve the gear and levels they want. We are here to have fun and be competitive in order to prove that we stand amongst the best, if not the best, clans in Destiny. We want our members to be able to hop onto Destiny knowing that there will always be members from the Order always on at any point who are ready to battle, raid, compete, roam around or just chill.
There will be different divisions within the order for Raids, PVP, Strike Mission etc. These divisions will each have commanding officers to set up times for each. PVP Captain will be in charge of Clan v Clan matches and will choose who gets to participate in matches. Players who are consistently on and post better and better stats will be eligible for promotions within the Order. As this clan grows we will have more and more Divisions, each containing their own sub leaders to schedule clan events. We always want to put our best foot forward to represent The Kronos Order well. We understand this is a game and we are all here to have fun so do not be discouraged from joining if you think we are too serious. We are a group of casual gamers that want to start a defining clan for the future of Destiny. If any of this sounds like fun to you and you want to be part of an amazing group of people who are looking to further their experiences, and yours, in Destiny then feel free to click the link and enlist in the Kronos Order today!
To request to join:
Search under groups or clans for "Kronos Order" then from there request to join as member.
LVL 20 minimum (must at least have lvl 20 on one main character)
Microphone / Headset (Kinect does not count as it can be an annoyance to the other members who are in the party or fireteam)
Good Communication Skills (for Raids / Strike Missions)
Must be active on Xbox Live (Xbox One)
Must act maturely!
For inquiries please contact via xbox live:
Founder: Anex SR
Co - Founders: Emeralds
ixi Draco ixi
Chief Admins: cKy RV
cKy pwnage
Silver Spider16
- Anex
Founder of the Kronos Order
LVL 27 Warlock
No enemy is too great for Kronos!
I would like to join Lvl 23 warlock Looking for clan that I can improve in and always have someone on