Hey all, Vicious VP (PSN Digi-Gen) here!
[url=http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Forum/137557/0/1/0]-= Clan Vicious =-[/url] (hit REFRESH once the page has loaded) is holding tryouts [i](for lack of a better term)[/i] for members of a specific type, to help fill out our ranks and skill sets.
What type is that, you may ask? Have a look at our MISSION STATEMENT below and see if we may be a good for for you.
[i][b]What -= VICIOUS =- expects of you[/b]
• have a mic - share your thoughts and actions as it is important for all of our success. NOTE: we all speak English in -= CV =-
• always support your team.
• the mission comes before personal glory - save that for team free PVP .
• exploration reveals truth and rewards - know your surroundings and call out useful items for you and your teammates. Chests, locational items, dead ghosts, etc.
• revive the fallen because you are stronger as a team then all alone .
• keep the cursing to an absolute MINIMUM - there really is no need and some are put-off by it.
• put clan members on your FRIENDS LIST. It's easier to play as a group when you know who is on-line.
• If possible: have the Destiny app installed on a smart-device. That way you can keep up with messages and infor as it is posted without having to log on via a computer.
[b]We expect all out members to have fun and understand ...[/b]
This is only a game
It is not all you are
There is life outside of Destiny
Feel free to take part in it[/i]
The 'tryout' consists of playing a couple raids with us and seeing of you are a good fit with the team.
The reason we are doing it this way is simple: almost every member in -=CV=- are friends who have played Mass Effect 3 (Platinum) together. That means they know how the others play and what can be expected from them when the going gets rough. We have already gone through the fire, as it were.
On a side note: I have created a clan LOGO as well as a few PS3 wallpapers for our clan members to use. So ... yeah.
If you want to [i]'give it a go'[/i], heard to our page and contact one of the admins and state your intentions. :)
We ALL have fun together and want to thank you for your time & we look forward to hearing from you.
- Vicious VP
Add me level 25 warlock Razorlaser13