Does your Cryptarch (Rank, level) affect the chances of getting better items when you decrypt an engram you have gotten as a loot drop? Or is it just to MAYBE get better items you can buy from him.
I certainly feel like I get more/better loot as the cryptarch rank has been increasing. (As of after achieving level 20+ on my character).
Also on the Destinypedia it says under Cryptarch "Each time this meter fills completely, the Cryptarch's Rank increases by 1. The higher the number, the greater the Cryptarch's skill at unlocking any Encrypted Engrams the player brings to him"
Can anyone Comfirm/Deny this? Or is it just a waste of time and I should be going for Vanguard marks (as an example) instead?
Cryptarch Rank dosen't exist. Read the description. Its the progress until the next reward. You can't level up Cryptarch and get better gear. There is only the progress until the next unlock.