Wow you are a piece of work.
I have absolutely no problem with admitting there's a small possibility that we are wrong. I don't know why you think that's a problem. The whole point of the scientific method is to admit that you can never be absolutely sure. I read everything in the article and I back it 100%. While it's possible we are wrong, the facts and data that we have still overwhelmingly suggest that global warming is caused by humans. There is no other possible explanation for what we are observing. It's a FACT that CO2 levels in the atmosphere are higher than they could ever be naturally. We have the ice records that indicate CO2 levels have never been this high. That is an unequivocal fact, whether you believe it's caused by humans or not.
If you say that global warming is natural, then please prove to me that the levels of CO2 we're emitting have negligible effects. Please show me where the proof is, because I certainly have a lot of proof to the contrary. Where is this abnormal and unnatural amount of CO2 coming from? There is no logical explanation that we know of for the drastic increase of green house gases other than from our own emissions.
Please, tell me more about how CO2 is making the earth hotter.
Are you actually going to respond to my arguments like an intelligent human being or continue on your rampage of ignorance?
You going to tell me more or not? I really would like to know.
Not if you're going to keep sticking your head in the sand and slinging condescending overtones at me.