I will be on around 10:15 EST at the latest and would love to do the weekly nightstrike - level 28. I am level 27 and was able to get to the final boss solo. Bring those solar dmg rockets and we can shoot him from up top and NEVER have to drop down!!! deerhunter716 - PSN
If you are willing to wait until this Friday I'd love to do it.
Edited by FearNoFsh: 9/25/2014 1:14:39 PMNot sure what you mean by this evening, Since it looks like you put this on 20 hours ago, I'll be available this evening Thursday the 25th anytime after 1 PM Eastern. Need to do the weekly strike on the next level which I believe is 26 to get three more coins : ) By the way have a horrible head cold so I might sound kind a rough on the mic : (