Lol seriously. I predicted this from the beginning, before alpha. I said if you randomize drops, you are contradicting the very method you claim to pursue. You don't "earn " that which is randomly given to you.
[b]Other people experiencing the same problem. Bungie, look at your hurting community:[/b]
I actually think you have a better chance of getting good loot if you are bad. I have seen the person at the bottom of the board get something good far more often than any other player
Unless maybe they consider earing playing the game type, not winning.. stop bitching.
I wish I had seen this earlier, got all excited finished with a crucible match had an 8.5 k/d and got nothing
I came in second with a bunch of captures for my one exotic that I got without buying it. For the next one I have to do 25 strikes... 7 down, 18 more to go
Edited by WakkaPakaFlame: 9/25/2014 8:06:57 PMThat is EXACTLY what I have been saying!!! Nobody seems to get that you don't "earn" loot on this game!!! It's all random!!! I don't care about farmers or whoever it's just annoying to hear people complain about how they "earned" it......BULLS***
I actually like the randomness in this, but maybe because I dont take the game too seriously.
Trading in my opinion isn't really needed. While it would be nice to be able to give my friends items I don't need and vice-versa I haven't really been all that mad about it. Finding gear isn't to hard if you just play the game. The people who are complaining about not finding gear are just mad that they didn't get legendary items after running 5 strikes. I have played a lot of and it took awhile to obtain all my gear, but it is doable and doesn't require farming in one spot of getting the best of luck. I do agree bosses should have loot tables and should offer more rep for strikes than 25(since patrols give 10-25 and take 1/10th the time to do). If there is going to be a trading system make it like Diablo 3, you can only trade with people who you were with when you found an item and a certain amount of time be able to trade it.
I say if you carry the winning team, you could snatch that Shit from the noob
And this is why I barely play crucible that's just bullshit btw
I got Gjallahorn and a strange coin for joining a control match late....My team lost by 12,000 and I screwed around the whole match and ended with a .3 K:D
Edited by SaveYourBreath: 9/25/2014 8:01:52 PM"You shut your whore mouth and take what we give you." - <3 Bungie
Thank you for finally posting a screenshot of this. So many have complained of it and yet never post pics. I've been waiting for someone to post a SS of it.
Pretty much my reaction everytime
Minimum 3 kills in a match to generate loot at the end. But don't tell anyone it's gonna be implemented. Best way. Afk's will get zip, and be unaware. So they'll quit pvp due to never getting anything.
Edited by Dizman7: 9/25/2014 7:16:27 PMI don't have a pic but I did have a real bad crucible game once. I ended 2nd to last on the losing team.....and was rewarded an exotic fusion rifle called Plan C It was my first exotic too. Then the other night I had 5 games in a row where I was 1st on the server and each game I had over a 3.0 K/D and never got a single purple. Actually each game my K/D went up, end at a 7.2 K/D in the last game....and I got a blue. I have a pic of that but having trouble uploading to my Flickr atm. Edit: was able to upload pic, I'm at the top, ha ha
What bungie could do is not show you what loot other people have been given. That would be an easy fix for them. That way the loot system will feel more personal to the individual. By changing the loot system as a whole you are rewarding better players and weeding out bad players which I think is wrong. If someone is putting the time in then that person deserves a fair chance at loot to make their characters more powerful. As for people just going afk in a match that would require a different system. I think the problem with a lot of you guys is your equating bad players as being lazy. Bottom line don't show other people's loot.
Edited by TheNoss: 9/25/2014 7:58:05 PMBungie now does everything for profit and whats easiest and fastest on developing. They dont a care about the word "quality" anymore. They have seen the forums and all the crap on their garbage game. They dont want to own up to what their doing. I wish i could have a refund.
Perfect example lol.
I seriously cannot fathom how they thought random loot was -blam!-ing "exciting." The idiots who devised this should be shot and hung. LITERALLY. Complete dogshit. I don't know how many times I've decrypted purples only to find a shit-ass, -blam!-ing worthless blue. And what the hell is the point of making drop rates the same for all enemies of all -blam!-ing levels?! THERE'S NO -blam!-ING POINT TO PLAY THE HARD STRIKES NOW. And where the -blam!- is trading, an rpg that has no trading?!!! -blam!- THIS GAME AND -blam!- THE IDIOTS AT BUNGIE! BUNGIE PLEASE -blam!-ING READ THIS AND SMD!
Woooow new record i got my exotic at pvp to but with 2+ k/d. LOL This is rly rediculous
This is seriously funny and true. A good mix.
I've played with 3 of my buddies and finished 1st or 2nd in 4 of the 5 crucible matches we played. The only time I got a blue armor at the end was the 5th game in which I finished last.
Did they patch cave.
Edited by nr2134: 9/25/2014 7:32:35 PMOut of the 40 purple engrams I collected I only had 1 turn into purple hood and 1 into an exotic piece of armor. The drop rates for the harder strikes suck and Im sick and tired of the purple engrams changing into blue stuff 6 levels below mine. I did a hard strike 2 nights ago and 1 guy on my team sat hiding the entire round. Granted, it kept me and the other guy alive by allowing us to re-spawn and the baddies did not go after him, but to give him a purple helmet when he fired 2 shots is complete BS.