Lol seriously. I predicted this from the beginning, before alpha. I said if you randomize drops, you are contradicting the very method you claim to pursue. You don't "earn " that which is randomly given to you.
[b]Other people experiencing the same problem. Bungie, look at your hurting community:[/b]
But there's no other drops in crucible, hence the for fun pvp (supposedly "guardian training" lore wise) rewards loot "randomly"
I actually had a good game, can't remember exactly, but I had above a 2:1 KDR and I was awarded with an Exotic Hard Light so I'm not complaining about the system.
What? He CLEARLY got an assist
Edited by SENORL1MP1O: 9/25/2014 4:32:39 PMI would like to point out to everybody, that the exotic and a strange coin weren't the only rewards , there were an extra 1 or 2 items as well besides those two, look to the right of the awards, the extra two loot spots always appear when you get 3 or more rewards. So yea, looks like AFK is the way to go for rewards -.-
It would be awesome if they implemented a system to generate higher loot percentages based on team performance. Eg.. 1st - increased 10% loot chances 2nd - increased 7% etc.. etc.. I think it would be easily done
He earned it by hiding the best XD. BUNGIE ULTIMATE TROLL!!!!!!!!
In the Queen's Wrath you are guaranteed legendary armor that is unique. You will have actually earned it. In the Vault of Glass yes some of it is random but if you do the Raid you will get Raid specific gear like any MMO the drops are random in the Raids but the gear you get there can only be dropped there so you will be earning it. So there is a lot of awesome gear that you EARN in destiny.
What about the crucible legendary armor I have that costs 65 marks each and requires rank 2. On my way to 120 marks again for the helmet.
Made me laugh.
Edited by Sack Of Dongles: 9/25/2014 3:03:32 PMHe did earn it...he didn't quit early. Hehehe that 1 assist must have been really clutch!
If Bungie throw a Trade System, I will sell all my exotic for real money, making Destiny a 100% P2W, Twitch/Youtuber having the best gear and the game will be boring and ruined
@Takes skill to do that bad. Relax
Edited by TtargetPractice: 9/25/2014 5:25:02 PMThat guy made out like a bandit, he even got more than two things. Usually when you see the extra two squares to the side there, you get between 3 and 5 items.
Edited by TheMighty3X: 9/25/2014 5:24:41 PMPVP is the ultimate dangling of the carrot. Yes, you may get "rekt" if you're not good, but you may get some sweet drops. It's like a test of your masochism.
Thats how I got my Icebreaker.......although I was third up from bottom....
Edited by Herbzula: 9/25/2014 5:17:54 PMgood for that person. Lucky dog got a nice reward.
The randomized drops in crucible are really frustrating at times, yes. I rarely even get anything out of crucible when I play it now, actually. But I've gotten 4 or 5 exotic items and I feel like I worked to get them. (2 were bounties, the others were bought with hard earned coins/motes). You might enjoy the game a bit more if you stop worrying about other players and focus on enriching your own experience.
I've seen two exotic drops so far. Both were to the losing teams lowest player. My new suggested strategy, everyone on both teams has a dance party on Bravo. Only after the match ends and the countdown is running can you engage the enemy guardians.
crucible is not for loot rewards it's for marks + rep.
the more you complain about not getting gear, the more you wont get good rolls.
Why did you post this? Now, hiding in crucible matches and waiting for the timer to run out is going to replace cave farming as the new craze.
I remember one of the first "Rumble" gametypes I played when I was completing a bounty. I won going 25-0 in just a few minutes, got nothing. Second to last place with 8-15 got the exotic Auto-Rifle "Hard Light". Basically flipped my shit.
I come top 3 usually in crucible but i did the bounty ''20 headshots with a handcannon" i came dead last and was rewarded my first legendary, never got a legendary when i was top 3 though. Random yeah course it is.
That..... Is just ridiculous.