Lol seriously. I predicted this from the beginning, before alpha. I said if you randomize drops, you are contradicting the very method you claim to pursue. You don't "earn " that which is randomly given to you.
[b]Other people experiencing the same problem. Bungie, look at your hurting community:[/b]
Also idk if anyone knows this. But how that bottom guy looks like he has 4 rolls but 2 unused. My buddy had that happen and when he went to orbit he actually ended up with 8 drops from one pvp match...
Today what i plan on doing is joining 15 pvp matches, go afk for the whole duration and see if i get a legendary/exotic item. This is the new way of farming! F*ck cave farming when you can play other games while getting shit in this one ROFL
lol accurate, i'm starting to favor trading due to the loss of "earning" items & the loss of "story" behind them quite frankly idc if the story behind the item is I got it from the campaign at this point at least it be something. You shouldn't want trade IF you felt your items were earned or have a story, I keep a green sahara auto rifle & the very 1st gun you get in the game, both are quite useless so why am I holding them? Because the 1st gun has a story which was the 1st gun welcoming you to Destiny & my sahara was the main gun I used in the beta, I am keeping them & don't want to trade them due to them having a personal story for me. But people are "wanting" to trade stuff & if people "want" it that speaks volumes because people are feeling they didn't earn they're stuff nor does it have a story for them as for items for other classes I don't get it except that it's apart of they're 10 year plan, personally it didn't affect me because I always planned to have 1 of every class anyway, however I understand if you got a useless one or you are not planning to have 1 of every class, maybe you want 3 Warlocks for all I know & thought your friend could use that Titan stuff more. Very few items have a feeling to people, such as your first items from the vault of glass or Iron Banner I would assume.
Edited by Fingernageldreck: 9/26/2014 12:05:37 PM The person who set up the loot the way it is, should be fired asap! No offense i hope he/she finds a other job in which he/she earns twice the money like now but destiny wont keep players for long if this kind of stuff happens daily.
I got 34 kills in 3vs3 and my reward was a blue engramm. My teammate got a legendery engramm and he only had 3 kills and 1 assist during the whole round. That sucks! :(
Top 2 on the winning team should at least be guaranteed a strange coin or mote of light (which one could be random still). Or maybe a +10-20% modifier for crucible rep/marks? Something that encourages good performance. Bottom players should have a much lower random chance at legendary/exotic gear
" I joined this match late and was only in it for a minute. I got an exotic and strange coin."
i think the best thing bungie could've done with the reward system in pvp is to have the top person or the top two people in the team get guaranteed rewards and everyone else in the team a random chance to receive something. but the chances of getting better gear is better for the top person or top 2 people. that way people actually try to do good or get better.
Somebody needs to fire that fatass girl for making a shitty loot system
Wherever did it say the best PVP players get the best loot? PVP is not a reward based game, be happy with your KD, I'm envious of that :)
you people that want the MVP to get guaranteed rewards are the same ones that will drop a game in half a heartbeat if you see someone in there with a higher K/D than you. and thats all that would be there, because the people that suck at pvp will be off doing strikes. So you'd still be crying.
I came last today got an exotic and legendary engram at the same time no pic to prov but feel free to hate on randomly generated weaponry and armour makes me laugh
Edited by Stealth Nine: 9/26/2014 4:47:43 PMRNG Based Rewards in crucible will bring the day I come into a game and see a team just dancing to see who can vie for the worst points/KD. Clash - Dance Off Control - Bring It On Skirmish - Dirty Dancing
Edited by CP Vortex: 9/26/2014 4:12:50 PMThe same thing happened to me, though the guy did [b]something[/b]... But it wasnt a lot anyways.. here is a [url=]picture[/url]
Edited by VyperPlus: 9/26/2014 4:25:21 PMMaybe I am the only one here that doesn't feel to angry about this. I mean DOTA2 works the same way. It's random as to who gets what. Personally, I sort of like the randomness in PvP. If it were only handed out to the TOP or BEST players I think it would inspire more camping and glitching and all that good jazz. I'd take what we have now than the latter any day of the week.
I'm wondering if loot drop chances applies to all characters on a single profile. My son is good at pvp with his Hunter and never scores anything good. On the other hand when I play pvp with my warlock, I suck and still never get anything. Is he ruining my chances by being good?
One thing that makes more in favor of having the people that do the best have the best chance of getting the good gear is....for pvp gear does not matter. If it did, this kind of balance would make sense. It would ensure with a little bit of RNG that even the bad players can get gear to stay on par with the good players gear wise (which somewhat makes sense). Increasing gear only matters for that cool little number from your light or if you want to do harder content for PVE. If you put the time in and do well in PVP where the gear stats dont matter, reward those that do well. It does not cause a balancing issue when stats do not matter. If you suck at PVP and want to get geared for PVE, there are plenty of ways to do so.
Wow. Thats exceptional. NEW LOOT CAVE. Its called AFK PVP. I prefer PVE, but after seeing this, im gonna play PVP now. Take a look at my profile. I played one game of PVP to date and sucked at it, i didnt get a legendary though. But you bet your sweet ass i will be this weekend. Wife is having family in town and i hate them.
Definitely going to try this today to see if it is true for all matches. I'm extremely curious if I can hide in a corner and spin for the entire match and squeek out with a legendary or exotic. Bungie is going to be getting some mean emails and letters man haha
Post the link to that picture so i can copy the url please?
What stops people from just sitting the game out and banking?
Nevermind got it, here is the link [url][/url]
"Take good care of that one..." *instantly dismantled*
exotic bounties are earning.... but i agree this happens a lot, i feel that if you are mvp, you earn best reward
They said there would be no trading AT LAUNCH... just having my 2 cents worth, they also said that it will be coming in the near future (sorry no link to this direct info)
Soon PvP will be everyone afk waiting for the game to finish lol