And the trap is sprung......We at hive news have been studying you puny humans and we have learnt your weakness. Apparently all we need to say is we are a female and all the male guardians will flock to us. How many of you have seen female and clicked on this. Shameful.
We have seen females (we presume human) post and within seconds, and males don't even check whether they are clean (this does not appear to matter to human males), males flood to the post like moths to helium filaments. Some do not even post a picture and yet they flock. Interesting.
So in a new strategy we are sending our sexiest syphon witches to lure males to their death they may not even be dressed, grrr. What male can resist.
I can and a bunch of others can. Also don't you think it is a bad idea to post your news, to your enemies...I mean you basically just told us to prepare.