Well first off this is a crucible match. The gear it gives is completely random because it's not the best gear in the game. The reason there is no trading is because if you do a vault run and a peace of raid gear drops then you wouldn't want someone who didn't complete the run to have it. I'm extremely proud that I competed the vault because I know that not everyone has/can. So you do earn your rewards, stop searching for it in the crucible though.
Yeah its is a good feeling rocking the Chatterwhite knowing its not an easy drop shader to gain! Plus the Oracle buffer weaps :) Congrats dude
Since when is an Exotic weapon not the best in the game?????
Maybe the weapons but the raid gear, as in armor, is only found in raids so you must earn it :)
some aren't better than legendary
Maybe they should just make raid gear and exotic untradable but make everything tradable.
Well that's kinda inevitable. But then again the account is linked to a individuals PSN, so it may be harder to do lol.
That sounds like a good idea. Just as long as this game doesn't become a pay to win I'll be happy ha
People will just sell accounts with good gear, just like people sold accounts that were 50's in Halo 3. There's always a way to pay to win.