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9/25/2014 6:31:44 PM

Queen's Wrath - Whats the Point?

Now that you cannot get ascendant shards from Queen's Wrath gear... what is the point? At least for those of us who already have our legendary gear, etc... we don't need anymore useless legendary gear that isn't any better then what we have taking up our inventory/vault space. I do not see why Bungie has decided that it is not well and good for us to salvage this legendary gear to get ascendant shards... which, for me at least, gave me incentive to do the missions. I understand nerfing the loot cave, but this is absolutely ridiculous and dumb...

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  • The point is also the legendary weapons and armor that some need! I don't think you understand that these materials are rare for a reason. If everyone could just stock up on them, then whose gonna do the daily? Or try for gold public events? What I said right there is four A DAY. There's even more with engrams, packages, ect.

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    Refunded TFS because of Dual destiny - old

    I enjoy extra bounties even though destiny RNG is utterly -blam!-ed up. I've gotten 6 or 7 chest pieces and 5 helmets so far with one sniper rifle. Yesterday I did 5 or 6 missions and only received chest pieces. I agree that there should be some reward, those missions aren't easy solo. But 3 ascended shards per mission? Nah, that's too easy. But then again you can play the weekly strike and make 9 coins, nearly enough to buy one exotic a week so....

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  • Haven't bothered w/ the Queen bounties/missions since the patch. I don't see a reason to replay the same mission over and over again to get a crappy legendary item.

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  • Edited by dirkis3223: 9/28/2014 5:40:04 AM
    I think maybe they could redo the armory vault and perhaps restrict setting certain items in it say exotics and shards or maybe even legendary equipment..... or at least to the point where if you upgrade the items or equip an item (like spirit bonding in ff) you should not be able to let another character equip. Just food for thought. And bring back the shards for queen missions forgot to clarify that.

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  • you lasted longer than me i was all set to enjoy this free story content support people were going on about how it will justify destiny being so hollow with all this free support it will be getting throughout the 10 years and its just more bounties...... turned it off watched doctor who instead

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    12 Replies
    • It's pretty lame we can't get acendent shards now. I'm just doing the bounties for rep and exp. I'm also doing the extra missions just to get the ship, and hoping they fix it back to were we get acendent shards.

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    • If everyone pa aid attention to the update bungie released to announce the queens wrath you'll notice it only showing Helmets, chest armor and a couple primary's when saying there will be legendary rewards

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    • Out of 8 queens missions I have gotten the same chest piece 5 times and the same helmet 3 times.. The other members of my fireteam have had almost identical results. Give us some variety. That many missions without getting at least an armor piece for a different part of the body or a weapon is ridiculous. At least when they could be broken down into ascendant shards it was worth the effort but clearly not any more. For that matter, I haven't even seen a single shard from any activity for my fireteam since the patch pulling them out of the Queen's Wrath. Did the patch screw something up and pull them completely?

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      • Edited by moose juice5: 9/28/2014 12:30:25 AM
        Honestly I think it's here to shut up the people who were moaning about how they couldn't get legendary gear. Also I have to agree with them about removing the shards, while it allowed me to level up my gear easily, it was far, far to easy. You could get 10-12 shards daily with little to no effort. To put that in perspective thats about one run through of the vault of glass or 5-6 days worth of top level daily heroics, for doing very little. Shards are used to rank you up the last four or so levels to the cap, they're end game materials and supposed to be hard to get.

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        1 Reply
        • Even if you aren't getting shards anymore, the bounties are still worth doing for the extra Dead Orbit, New Monarchy, and FWC rep you can get for them. Every rank after 2 with every faction gets you a free legendary(that can be turned to shards), plus you can get shards from events and your daily heroic. Upgrading isn't hard, you just gotta do the right content.

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          1 Reply
          • I feel similar. I'm not going to bash this game, as i do enjoy it. I will say that i will no longer be doing the queens bounties as i don't feel the reward is any longer worth the amount of time invested in the aforementioned bounties and then on a mission that I've already played multiple times. Also, in regards to the Queen... She, along with her brother, are the only 2 characters throughout the entire story that interested me and grabbed my attention. I was very disappointed when i realized the content was in the form of bounties and not more story in regards to the Queen, her brother, and their motives. Just my 2 cents.

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          • They have no idea what they're doing with their game.

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            3 Replies
            • It's my loot. If I want to dismantle it right away for shards that is my peragative.

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            • Think of it this way... There are people like me who worked really hard to reach 29, if the shards would have continued to drop from those gears, everyone would have been 29 the next day. So where would the hard work have gone? What would have been the point if everyone was handed a lvl 29? It just makes it fair for everyone on both sides of the coin.

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              4 Replies
              • Its called content!!! Cant you see? In the pure awesomeness of meaning of this word in the next-gen gaming industry. Anyway, I am really having a hard time to find a buyer for my copy of destiny. Second hand games market is already getting enough copies, or ppl are discouraged to invest into this game... Why? :-/

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                2 Replies
                • ... I like this game less everyday... I don't understand Bungie logic/obsession of making everithing completely random in this game. What is so wrong on doing a mission with the soul purpose of finding an item I need?

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                  5 Replies
                  • Seriously... the "event" is pathetic. It's a repeat of the same missions we have already done hundreds of times, for loot most of us already have, and absolutely nothing for those players who don't need easy legendaries. Way to implement easy loot, and not further the story at all. If you think bounty missions are "content", you're sorely mistaken. Fail on so many levels, Bungie.

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                  • Relax. They had to stop the bleeding and the fastest way to do that without a major overhaul is to eliminate the incentive to turn it into a shard harvest. It is still useful for those of us without legendaries and is severely maligned by the cryptarch. Not m though, I need the shards.

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                    1 Reply
                    • Very well put! This was a bad move on your part bungie. I'm a fan of the game and still enjoy playing it currently but tread lightly. It seems the community's patience is wearing thin.

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                    • Quit complaining about qeens wrath! At first i was pissed about the no shard deal too, but think about how relatively easy the queens guard stuff is! Its free legendary gear! Its by far the best time spent to upgrade your shmit if you need upgrades, which is clearly what its for. Everyone complains about how they cant raid cuz they dont have the gear, and then they give the fastest way to get to 26 ever, and everyone complains about how they have better gear and cant shard it. This is the way it goes. Give and inch and they take a mile. You want easier purples, you got it. Now you want to max out all your gear in a week. To bad.

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                      3 Replies
                      • Ya I always get the same two pieces of gear as well and I get nothing for it. Oh and it's real fun watching my friends get the ships and weapons ever time. Bungie is sure making me want to come back since I have to buy all my gear and my friends just get it from the queens wrath and other random means. That was sarcasm by the way I can't see myself playing this game much longer. Real fair that I never get the good lot some random lucky chance wooooo.

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                        3 Replies
                        • Okay I completely agree about Queens Wrath. Why take away my reason for going XD? Like it's okay if I don't get something I need but why even play it if I'm getting helmets and chests that I don't need? with ascendant shards I felt the weight, like I was doing something at least important. There are many things I can understand but this just doesn't feel right.

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                        • Edited by CubMilitia: 9/26/2014 5:27:38 PM
                          Such a double standard here. Loot cave gets punished and it's fine but when the queens wrath gets punished, it's the end of the world. I say it's balanced now.

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                          14 Replies
                          • I think a better solution to the problem would be to either give them a 50/50 chance at dropping one shard or none from dismantling or to have a chance at receiving armor that is halfway between normal legendary and raid legendary loot to have some benefit over most peoples legendaries. For the second option maybe every ten you do you can receive one? Idk, seems broke that it goes from a great benefit to no benefit at all.

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                          • Edited by redrum: 9/26/2014 4:15:34 PM
                            [quote]Now that you cannot get ascendant shards from Queen's Wrath gear... what is the point? At least for those of us who already have our legendary gear, etc... [/quote] You just answered your own question. It's because there are still a lot of people like me who don't have ANY legendary gear yet. Also, some might actual play the mission to...well... have know...playing and shooting things? It's fun sometimes to do that and not care about shards.

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                            5 Replies
                            • Bungie I hope youre reading my comment how are your stats looking on queens bounties? Is it going down I'm sure it would since you took something everyone needed this event is pointless might as well just end the event there's no point

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