Dude, I am so DONE with this BS. The game doesn't reward effort or skill [b]AT ALL[/b], I might as well join matches and sit on my ass the entire time, moving the stick every now and then.
The fact that after level 20 it all becomes luck based is the most horrendous game design I've ever had the mis fortune of experiencing...
In the Skirmish match for example; We were missing a team member from the start and my only other team mate just kept camping on top of the train or running blindly to his death. I had to revive him more times than I could count, all the while defending myself from 3 on 1 for nearly the entire match. After a ton of effort, I [i]still[/i] managed to acquire the most kills in the match and what do I get? ...A total slap in the face! lmao.. and to top it off, the exotic gun he got was the one that i've been coveting since launch :/
Here are a couple other examples from my long history of injustice at the hands of Destiny..
Curse you Bungie, you fiendish swines!!
This pisses me off becuz this happens to me often. But damn some1 getting exotic for not putting work is like someone getting everything handed to them for just standing still.
Oh cry me a river
I feel bad for you.
justice? you came to the wrong town friend.
Dominating the leader board=pride Doing god awful in a match=good rewards
I'm actually on the opposite end of this but even so, that sucks. I don't think luck should be removed, or that those who can't play as well should be "penalized". Ultimately, that's what it would be if the better players always get rewarded more. I'd say, if anything, keep the random chance, but give top players a higher percentage of getting something/something good. But still make it a chance, as in, you could end up with nothing. Maybe they even do that already, who knows.
I like this a lot. Make your position on the board about percentages. The higher you are the better the odds of you getting better gear.
Edited by CatFatius: 9/26/2014 12:10:31 AMYeah I agree with that too. I don't have a problem with the RNG in general. I see why it's there and it can be a nice surprise if you do get something unexpectedly. I certainly don't think lower scoring players should be penalised and I hope my comment didn't come across that way, I just feel that they really need to alter their algorithm slightly to favour and therefore reward the higher scoring players, as you suggested.
Edited by v2 Pwrh0use: 9/25/2014 9:25:24 PMYeah no "luck" based loot games have ever succeeded! LOL
I never said anything about luck based games succeeding or not. :S Gambling is popular, just not my cup of tea.
Edited by v2 Pwrh0use: 9/25/2014 11:47:37 PMTrue but you are complaining about the luck based system like its a negative and will lead to the fall of the game.
To the extent that it works now? I can certainly see it leading to the fall of this game. From all the posts I've seen it's already started it's fall, due to this and other issues, and will fall unless they fix it soon.
I've never felt that way because I'm not an elitist twat that feels entitled because they did better. I'd be pissed if these people didnt try and just sat afk the entire game. But no, they tryed, they helped so they deserve gear as much as you do...
Edited by CatFatius: 9/25/2014 9:04:04 PMActually I think we should be feel entitled to a reward if we did well, that's how every other logical game works. Otherwise, what incentive is there to even try in a game where getting rewards, building your character and making your 'legend' is the entire point? Also, I'm sorry if that came off as elitist, I never said they didn't deserve gear or didn't try. I was only trying to drive home the point that it's a broken and unfair system. I could show you many more screen grabs where others at the top have gotten jack all and i've received stuff while sitting at the bottom of the board having done really badly. On those occasions, I've felt bad for the people that I let down and I, personally, don't want to 'earn' my gear that way either. The reward feels hollow when it is undeserved.
[quote]Actually I think we should be feel entitled to a reward if we did well, that's how every other logical game works. Otherwise, what incentive is there to even try in a game where getting rewards, building your character and making your 'legend' is the entire point? Also, I'm sorry if that came off as elitist, I never said they didn't deserve gear or didn't try. I was only trying to drive home the point that it's a broken and unfair system. I could show you many more screen grabs where others at the top have gotten jack all and i've received stuff while sitting at the bottom of the board having done really badly. On those occasions, I've felt bad for the people that I let down and I, personally, don't want to 'earn' my gear that way either. The reward feels hollow when it is undeserved.[/quote] I got a 8.0 kd today in crucible and a guy with 0.3 got a patience and time exotic as reward, i got nothing. Its called rng people need to get over it, when your lucky i bet the rng isnt a problem for you, an you can all ways do nightfalls etc to increase your chances of getting the coveted gear so there really isnt a problem with the system, just people being jelouse at others fortune, be happy for them your time will come
"You can always do nightfalls and etc.." Oh yeah? How about that matchmaking or lack there of?
[quote]"You can always do nightfalls and etc.." Oh yeah? How about that matchmaking or lack there of?[/quote] Add ppl to your friends, add me too im all ways doing raid, nightfall etc just send me the invite if u need help, lots of forum posts with ppl needing extra guns too :)
I knpow the quality sucks because it was taken with a 3DS, but as you can see I got MVP and was the only one to get no items. Even the guy who only got like 500 points and had like a 0.13 k/d got something