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Edited by Eelraiser: 12/17/2014 2:08:59 AM
These forumns have made me lose faith in humanity, especially the American youth as a whole who expect recognition for everything. No one does amazing things just for the sake of amazing things anymore.

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  • If Bungie was giving more XP, rep, glimmer, and marks to the losers (the items which you are intended to get more of, if you win) or was giving the win to the team who did worse, that would fit your analogy because THOSE are the items that are supposed to be tied to merit in the game. The random, end-of-game loot drops are incentive to take part in the game . . . a tool to draw people (particularly people who aren't as into or aren't as good at PvP), into playing multipler. Those who like/are good at PvP also benefit trom getting the chance at drops, so they are getting somthing extra for doing something that they already like. Honestly (and i say this, because I had two change how I looked at the system too, early on), as soon as you stop looking at the loot results as somehow being tied to how you did in the game, the more you start to enjoy the system. Personally, I like the game randomly giving me bonuses when I play parrt of the game that I would have played anyway.

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  • Because the only way to progress past 20 is loot based. The end.

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  • Edited by Merlax17: 9/26/2014 5:23:22 AM
    I honestly thought you were trolling..this is the most backwards thought process I've ever seen. THIS is what's wrong with our generation. (Just edited this cause I saw you said "today's" which is a scary thought cause your thought process is so's usually the other way around) But in regards to the game..yes the people who aren't as good in PvP should still get a chance at great stuff. However, the guy who continually carries the team to get that extra crucible mark (which is ridiculous in itself) should either have a better chance at better items or at least get something to distinguish himself. (Different cosmetics, class items, etc.) After all just like in real life, as you said, the successful people of the world help those less fortunate. But what you seemed to miss about the "real world" is that the successful people have better stuff, more money, etc. They were "rewarded" all that stuff for working hard and being better than the competition. In life you should always strive to be the best you can be in everything. BECAUSE you get rewarded for being better than the guy next to you because you put in the work.

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  • In my opinion this isn't just what's wrong with the generation, this is what's wrong with humanity. In real life I do good at lots of things, I'm one of the nicest people (not try to be conceded or any thing) I usually help out others in need and I put 100 percent of my effort into everything. Sure Yeah ive been rewarded sometimes but but still worse things happen to me. I just turned 19 and over the summer I had lost almost complete hearing in my right randomly it's called sshl and only 1 in 10,000 people get or something and I'm a music major! Point is the world is a luck game. This generation/humanity is messed up because everyone expects something great for doing their best. You should never expect anything for doing your best. The world is running on a greed system where people only feel like doing something because they get rewarded for sure and if there are no rewards then they don't see a purpose in it. People also can't stand seeing people that do worse get luckier than the people that put in time and work hard and that's natural and it's also natural for the worst to get luckier. If humanity and this generation can get passed feeling as though the best are entitled to stuff then the world will never get better. Destinies system is good enough for me but it passes people off who don't understand the universe is unfair and people that are only in it for self interest. They will fix the system because enough people are complaining about it and bungie always tries to work with the community.

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  • Rewarding for doing poorly and giving jack shit to those who do good is like failing someone for doing good on a test and passing someone who did terrible

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  • That's so true

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  • This guy got a legendary or better for participating...

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  • And? You get upset cause ur little brother got a new bike for Christmas and not you? [spoiler]life's a bitch[/spoiler]

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  • Think is mere a reflection of how the world is build up. People need something to motivate them, other than just a salery. If they do good I have to hand them a bonus or else they would not try to do more than average. (This is in fact far from everybody, but I try to picture the donkey pulling a chariot, with a pole, line and a carrot in the end.)

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  • No, I get pissed when my little brother gets a Bugatti (Exotic) and I get nothing (Literally nothing), despite me having gotten Straight A's, doing my chores, and being a good kid while he sat around and did nothing, failed his classes, and is a jerk.

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  • 0
    Do you apply this to the world we live in?

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  • Yes

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  • So...You're telling me that I should get rewarded for doing very little or nothing, while those who work hard to do good should get rewarded with a pile of crap? That deconstructs the very definition of "earn your pay". That defends laziness, which then leads to the collapse of just about everything. Nothing is accomplished through laziness. Yes, I know not everyone is skilled at games and they still must be rewarded, but since when is it fair that someone who works extra hard to get that high K/D should get nothing for their efforts? You said "If life was easy then everyone would be happy.", but that is exactly what this current reward system DOES. It makes things EASY because you can just join a pvp, run around in circles so you don't get booted, and BAM, exotic for you while everyone who actually did something receives nothing. Earn your wage. Anyone who does something deserves a reward, and the more you do, the bigger the reward. That is how things should be, otherwise everyone would just sit around and do nothing while they are handed stuff for free.

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  • That's a poor response. This is a game. It actually makes sense to be rewarded for doing good. Like any other game in life, (whether it be a contest of some sort, carnival game, video game) the person in first shall be rewarded for doing their best and the best in comparison to their opponents (and of course, we have something called an MVP). I understand where you're coming from, but it's a poor idea to apply it everywhere, not to mention mimicing the same thing other idiots are saying.

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  • If you are soo skilled, why do you care who gets better loot? Wouldn't you with all your skills find new/better equipment moot? Sounds to me like you are playing the game for the wrong reason. Games are for fun. Games are not to earn rewards.

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  • Right? It's not like this is a gear based leveling system or anything.

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  • So spending all your time in PvP is the answer? What happens when you hit 30? You gonna sell the game cause there's nothing to do?

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  • I'm not saying I am a super skilled player. I have my great games, and I have my bad games. What I'm saying is why should a person who gets 4 kills and 16 deaths get rewarded an exotic or legendary when someone who gets 21 kills and 6 deaths get nothing? This game is a loot based and leveling game, not CoD where having a high K/D means you get nothing but a ego-booster. If no matter what you do, you will always have a random output, why do anything but the bare minimum? This current system DEFENDS laziness, and you are defending IT.

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  • The system is supposed to be in place to keep people playing over a long period of time. Yes I get that sometimes lazy players shouldnt be rewarded, but what is a lvl 7 gonna do with an exotic, nothing. I've seen more games give shit loot than ones that give you a high one.

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  • I'd love to play the game for a long time if it were actually fun to PLAY for a long time. You get to end game way too fast, and then at end game the ways to get high gear are so repetitively boring that it isn't even that fun. The loot drops are so badly randomized that you can do all the best and right things, yet still get crap because the randomness isn't rewarding, and if not that, it isn't based on how good you do or what you do. I hate to bring in another game as an example, but look at WoW. That MMO has a loot system that constantly rewards you from start to end game, and then when you hit end game, it is actually fun to grind for better loot (in most cases). This game's loot system is so terrible that it just ISN'T fun.

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  • Personally (and I know that's the part that doesnt matter) I would have liked to see two sets of armor. pvp and pve. Reward the pvp players who do well with good pvp gear. Keep pve gear out. As it is now people are joining and rubberbanding pvp which brings the whole team down AND they get rewarded for it. Unfortunately I cant return my game as I was not allowed to cancel my digital pre order. But I'll stick around and hope bungie has some tricks up their sleeves.

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  • It's a bit too late for a "Trick up their sleeve", not to mention that would imply they were ready for this kind of thing. They'd have to have a magic trick of the century at this point.

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  • At this point I'd have to describe anything that could save this game as a trick up their sleeve. It would have to be a major "we knew and this was going to be the answer all along" kind of moment in history. Otherwise......I just dont see this being fixed with little patches here and there. And the lack of creativity all around (if there isnt a game changing "trick") just means anything we've yet to see will probably be more of the same.

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  • That idea has a lot of merit. That would certainly help things out, but Bungie may yet surprise us. Ten days into release.....who knows what's to come

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  • And I guess I didnt really explain myself well enough with my first comment. --It's because of people who join and know they dont have to do well in pvp that team endeavors in pvp is ruined that round. Maybe some of us arent there just for the gear....but to have those people come in and do terribly on purpose just to get rewarded for their behavior makes it much more frustrating. I tend to like the team pvp maps more than deathmatches, though. Maybe it's a little easier on deathmatch maps.

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