What stops people from just sitting the game out and banking?
That is going to become the new loot cave. Because of the RNG system, players will start to join games in the crucible, and just leave their xbox running while they go watch netflix on their computer and then see what loot they get in the end. It is a failed system.
If you're AFK for too long you get returned to orbit.
Did you miss the posts where people gave "tips" on putting a rubber band in there controller stick?
I'm almost sure Bungie will notice that and ban you for doing that.
Or they could, oh idk, fix it. Really though it's a tough situation. On one hand your going to end up having people that are good at pvp and they would get everything while casual people would stop playing pvp. Or it stays random and everyone is pissed. If first place always got something it'd really be no different then cave farming. Skill vs brains and ingenuity basically.