In other news, Exos throughout The City are urging officials to adopt measures that would increase legal penalties for hate crimes. The anti-robot sentiments expressed by many citizens are fueled by a surge in Guardian casualties due to skirmishes with the Vex on Mars and Venus. The Vault of Glass, the Speaker's seemingly impossible campaign against the robotic organisms, has increased feelings of mistrust toward robots. Still, forum polls suggest that lack of understanding is the leading factor in the racism.
“Where did they come from? Who built them? How do we know they’re not Vex spies?” one citizen asked. Officials say most of the mistrust is not political, but anatomical in nature. “Why are there male and female versions? Seriously, think about that for a minute. Exactly what technological gizmos separate the male models from the female ones?” another citizen added.
When asked to comment on Exo anatomy, Ikora Rey dropped her book and glanced across the Vanguard table toward Cayde-6, an Exo. “I wouldn’t know anything about their reproductive mechanisms,” she said. “Why are you asking me? What are you implying? I’ve got nothing to hide! Go ask Cayde-sex, I mean six!”
Koss4444, an Exo Titan, said that Exos are just like humans in every way, adding that their consciousness and individuality are what separate them from the Vex. He added that Exo reproductive anatomy is in many ways superior to that of their flesh-and-blood comrades, hinting at special upgrades to their parts available after level 31. "That's when things get crazy!" he said. "There's a reason Shaxx's helmet only has one horn!" Such upgrades would likely require an enormous number of Ascendant Shards. Lord Shaxx was too busy rooting for both sides of a crucible match to comment.
The anti-robot sentiment is not confined to Exos. Many of the towers resident Frames have complained that Guardians only interact with them when they need directions. “Most Guardians walk right through me as if I don’t even exist,” one Frame said. Another has developed what experts call “a quirk of personality” to deal with the neglect: “Please, feel free to carry on, Guardian, as if I weren’t here.” Most guardians, including Exos, do just that.
Exos are hopeful that they'll gain trust as they fight alongside other guardians. "The origins of the Awoken are just as mysterious as our own." Cayde-6 said. "We all trust them because they've proven themselves in battle."
If the racism stems mainly from anatomical questions as polls suggest, the Queen's upcoming and controversial movie will likely do much to resolve the tensions. The film, entitled "SExo," is rumored to be the sole content of the third expansion. It will most likely be rated NG-31 (No Guardian under 31 Admitted).
Edited by Daniel Cousland: 9/26/2014 10:39:19 AMAfter reading this i want to add an Exo to my character list. Currently i only have a female awoken titan, should i make a female exo titan? Or should my exo be male? Or should i choose a class other than titan? Input would be appreciated thanks P.S. My play style tends to be charging in head first as to quote one of my favorite Manga's. ''If they can still stand you've gotta keep pulling the trigger till they lay down.''