Hint: Based on a book
The only games based on books that I can think of right now would be...splinter cell?
Nope. Last hint! It's Russian. In Russia.
Metro last light?
I was going for Metro 2033, but yeah.
AH SHIT. Hey is that game good? I heard great things about it but im on the fence about buying it.
It's amazing actually. The PS4 version with both Metro 2033 and Last Light would be the best way to go if you have a PS4. Otherwise, you really should start off playing 2033. It's very atmospheric, and the gameplay is great. But....the voice acting is a bit overdone.
Alright alright...im using the Xbox one. And they have it so I was looking for a new game to buy once I get done with the bad blood dlc (watchdogs)
I've never even played any of the games. #supsguessor2014