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9/26/2014 12:09:28 PM
I do know what I am talking about, whinny little PvP bitches. In PvP it doesn't matter what gear you have, since it's alll the same. So what does it matter if you have good gear or not? If you are on top all the time, you are obviously the better player, congradulations!!! If you suck, what's the point in playing? You shouldn't be rewarded for doing poor, especially if it's intentionaly done. But these stories, while true, are extremly over exagerated. But they do keep people coming back to PvP for the extremly rare chance they might get something cool...and that's the point. Why would anyone keep returning to PvP to have thir arse handed to them over and over? They wouldn't. Throw in a rare chance to suck and get something cool, and you'll have tons of sheep willing to try....So if you really think about makes sense...

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