Please add matching for raid in an update?
It's ridiculous that i have to go dance with random people in attempt to form a party for raid.
If anything needs matchmaking its raid.
Instead of wasting time nerfing caves and shard drops how about adding something useful.. IE: MATCHMAKING FOR RAID AND WEEKLY HEROIC STRIKES!
The main issue is there's no support in game for people to communicate for recruiting. I'm not a fan of having to be force to close the game go to a website and recruit why isn't this in game blows my mind. If its bungie way of forcing people to come to thier site then good job. it would be nice if they have a chat function like warframe and something similar to the clan dojo. There are lots of game destiny can pull from like World of warcraft lfg.
bump please. Perhaps if we rabble rabble enough something will change (IE: loot cave rabbling = fixed)
Well we don't need a matchmaking where people leave when theye want. Just a chatbox and it will be fine!
agreed i had put alot of time and effort into getting a group just to have one the other guys get jealous when i got thunderlord and they replaced me, so ive still never advaancd beyond the first room and im getting tired of not getting to try, trying upping level t get invites and not even that seems to work, im fed up and jealous of those whove even gottn to see the first boss much less finished it
yes please matchmaking for heroic missions and strikes, and raid. please i need this
They should have the option to either use match making or not but it definitely should be used on all forms of fire team missions. The current format for finding and inviting players to your fire team is extremely ineffective and a time sink. As for raids I just did a few of the challenges in VoG last night with a pick up group and only 3 people had mics and we did really well. Please Bungie - Add matchmaking to all fire team missions.
Heroic Weekly and Nightfalls SHOULD have matchmaking, but raids? No thanks.
All of you people that want matchmaking for a raid will never complete it even if it did have it. You would also know this if you have even done the raid. Use tools at your disposal like and stop being so clueless.
Ppl that know eachother and communicate cant even beat it you think matchmaking would work lolol
Yes, Yes, Yes!
Have you seen footage of the raid? It's six people yelling and constantly communicating. It'd be near impossible with 6 random people who aren't talking. I get why they haven't added matchmaking. Of course if they add talking to other random players, then maybe it'd make sense to matchmake raids.
Haha dude just look in forums that's I did found some awesome players and did the raid it's not that hard trust me you want people you can talk to not randoms it's not just some little mission it takes communication
Eehhh... Honestly, I used to say the same thing. But even doing Strike playlists, LFG players often run off in random directions, getting killed, not coordinating. The raid should really be kept as a pre-made party event. Weekly Heroic Strikes, on the other than, should be LFG capable, but only for players who have, let's say, level 24 or better gear? I know it unlocks at 22, but the LFG tool shouldn't be made available until they are at least the same level.