originally posted in:Fall3nDevils
Just post your gamertag and info and I'll add you ASAP!
[quote]Just post your gamertag and info and I'll add you ASAP![/quote] Gabriel555. Xbox one
goHARDbroSk1 Xbox One
Ph1l1p1875 Xbox one GT
Tuxedoedfox001 Xbox One
JanTHEmaNN LVL 25 Warlock
TronBDM, XB1 I know a couple of your members already and liking for solid clan to consistently run high level raids and weekly goals.
Aquila Assassin (I'm the older brother of LlamaSlapper77)
R9X Chrome
Ladies Man2015
flamyng709 is the name
Ladies Man, is at your call. Text me when you're on.
BearsOnShrooms Lvl 27 Titan Xbox one
LowTide76 Lvl 26 Titan, 25 Warlock, 23 Titan
xRMRx Kendor
JROD0612, Lvl 28/29 Hunter
GRUDGEMONGER1 Level 25 Warlock
Replicaterazor level 26 hunter
Sgt Jimmy Whang Lvl28 warlock
X bridge X 30 lock 28 titan 27 hunter
Edited by CommanderRadeck: 10/26/2014 9:13:45 AMCommanderRadeck Lvl 23 Hunter
Just joined up and excited to be here! GT: Twosp78
Gt Rudge88 lvl 23 titan and got a lvl 18 warlock
SmilesAndFrowns Level 25 Hunter.