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Edited by Bag: 9/28/2014 1:39:06 AM

Xur is ruining this game.

[quote]A lot of you seem to misunderstand the point that I'm trying to make in this thread so let me clear it up here. I don't think that Xur should be removed completely. I don't think that items obtained through Xur hold any less value than RING drops. In fact, I think that strange coins are the most valuable currency in the game. But with Xur being so easy to find (google "where is Xur" and you have his location,) the exotics he sells and the coins you buy them with suddenly lose some value. Making him harder to track down would do two things: 1) increase the rarity of his goods, and giving guardians a fun activity to do to obtain those goods. (Tracking down Xur.) 2) having him travel in the wild would fit his character more. His presence in the tower is out of place. [/quote] The entire idea surrounding Exotic gear was that we were meant to tell other Guardians stories of how we got that gear. The RNG system was lame enough, but for the past three weekends Xur has been selling these goodies to every single Guardian. What is so special about the Suros Regime now? What is so special about the helm of Inmost Light? These are exotics I saw again and again before launch and expected to never see in game. Three weeks later and everyone has them. Bungie you are not doing your Exotics justice by letting everyone just purchase them so easily. At least with RNG we didn't see these items every crucible match we played. The other day I got The Last Word from a legendary engram. I wonder how long before Xur ruins this unique gun's rarity. I propose that we ban Xur from the tower. Make him spawn on a random planet every weekend, and have his location change hourly. If he MUST be in the game, at least make him hard to track down. ffs...

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  • If [i]anyone[/i] is going to be banned from the tower, it's the Cryptarch.

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    • Maybe not different planets but different hourly location in the tower would be good. Or for the two days he is there the second day his stock switches so not everyone can get the same stuff. Idk just more ideas

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      • There was literally a god damn thread the same as this one. You know what... I'm so done. Just.... I'm not gonna try to comment on stupid shit like this anymore. The fact that people bitch and moan so much makes me hate this a lot of this community. There are still a select few that are still good and don't bitch about anything, but really? Removing Xur? LET PEOPLE BUY THEIR SHIT. Why does it matter to you? I see a guy with the same helmet I'm happy he got it, I see a guy with Suros regime, good on you dude. You spent time working to get those coins for this superior fire power. I've posted this constantly so I'm going to post it here too. You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. Tldr: stop complaining and let people buy their shit that they worked hard to get too.

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        6 Replies
        • Don't understand how it's harming the game. You can only have 1 bit of exotic gear and 1 weapon.

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        • [quote]WAAAH!!! People went out and legitimately earned the guns I got for sitting AFK in a Control Lobby for hours[/quote]

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        • lol.. xur had a cheap helmet.. i got my saint 14 helmet from a leg drop

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        • What if he only sold exotic engrams?

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        • What if he only sold exotic engrams?

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        • While agree for the most part it wouldnt be a huge issue if there were more to get exotics and everything the amount of weapons/armor is honestly laughable in 2015 500 mil game :/

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        • Some valid points are made here. It's hard to call a weapon or piece of armour 'Exotic' if ANY player can simply purchase one outright through a vendor. Sure Strange Coins and Motes of Light are precious resources, but they could be put to better use within Destiny. Leave the option open of vendor purchasing to 'Legendary' items and below. In my opinion, 'Exotic' items should be pure drops through Vanguard Missions, Crucible Matches and special events such as Queen's Wrath or The Iron Banner. As mentioned, this is only OPINION. I think the discourse around this subject has merit on all sides, but I'm personally for the 'Drop Only' camp. Let's agree to disagree there. To elaborate on my point, I think it would be pretty engaging if Bungie went a step further and created an Exotic item or three per event. How unreal would it be to attain an Exotic item right after dropping a target on her kill order?! Brings a whole new meaning to being a Queen's assassin! Lastly, the drops should be based on a balanced approach between in-game excellence game AND providing an opportunity to all gamers (Casual vs. Hardcore) to attain Exotics. In regard to Xur, sure lets make him a nomad along with creating a levelling system to access his wares. Every other vendor requires levelling to access their Legendary stock so why the heck not for Xur! I would like to see him weaved more into the mythology of Destiny and making him more 'mythical' would be a great way to go about it. To sum up. @ Bungie: Reward players who play Destiny. Reward excellence. All the while, provide accessibility.

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        • 0
          Thinking about starting a group against Xur.. haha

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        • dumb idea...they're trying to implement easier ways to get legendary/exotic gear since they know they f'd up on their RNG system. Nerfing it now would get a lot more negative attention Destiny doesn't need. Next...

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        • Your forgetting the exotic bounties as well almost 2 or more people have invective in every crucible match.

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        • Yer I agree with this should make us track him down and get our stuff

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        • I really have no clue what the big deal is. A lot of people are upset that it is too hard to level past 20 due to poor drop rates and RNG. You have a guy that can guarantee you some of the best items in the game, but even this is a problem. In December when the expansion comes out, all or most of this gear will be a thing of the past to some people and won't even matter cause it's old gear. I think the main problem is for a lot of people, this game is the first experience some have had with "mmo" elements in it. No one is special in this game or better than anyone else so, so why is someone any less of a person for buying something rather than getting it another way. This is an endless circle of a thread and can go both ways as far as arguments go. "He bought his gun" "her gun was given to her". What does it matter? Friday night I did not have this gun, I had 12 strange coins. I needed a sure fire way to get more to get the gun so.....I got on this very forum, found two complete strangers that wanted what I wanted. We grouped up, did the lvl 28 weekly, got 6 coins, and then bought my gun. Not only did I make 2 friends, I earned my damn gun.

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          • For Xur, I feel like they should add more of a variety to their exotics. For example, on how they look. I see the same exotics on all the time, and I just think there should be more variety to choose from.

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          • while I think Xur is necessary because of the terrible drop rates and completely randomized loot system I do agree with you. for example I had to work for an entire week building rep with FWC until I could buy my first legendary. It felt awesome . I knew that all that hard work had finally paid off. and then I walk down the hall and there's Xur selling the lucky raspberry exotic. of course i jumped all over that and gave him my strange coins without a thought. but once i bought it I had to replace the FWC armor I had just bought. It had taken me probably the same amount of time to accumulate those 13 coins but it feels a bit different. I felt like I earned that legendary but bought that exotic. I didn't have to wait for it or check in and see how close i was to earning it. I just forked over the coins. Im not saying people didn't work to get their exotics from Xur it was just how i personally felt about it.

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          • I don't want him banned from the tower but I do like the idea of seeing him on random planets. Like if he has a special mission if you find him on a planet that would be nice. But I'd rather not see him banned from the tower.

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          • At the very least let him only sell two lists of stocks, not every exotic... was alittle upset when I found out not only were people buying gear I had earned through chance but say... a bladedancer was using a chestpeice that is specifically for gunslinger. LOL- then again I guess I should be sadder at the community for complaining about how they "NEVER" Get anything good through engrams then when they are just HANDED the stuff they don't even know what it's for or how to use it. (Im getting off topic sorta)

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            4 Replies
            • Exotics don't feel exotic, he should just sell rares with an occasional legendary. I get some coins and buy a so called exotic every reset.I can buy a like 2 legendary every week. This game gives loot out for just logging on.Where is the rarity of the legendary or exotic? They all feel like commons to me.

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              • You're still not fixing the factor of having a unique exotic instead of everyone having it.Instead of making Xur move or raising the price. Just let all of his merchandise be engrams. So the people that want to be unique would be happy, and the people that want to buy shit will be happy. And who doesn't like unwrapping gifts? It would make the experience a whole lot more fun.

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              • NO We need to keep this function the game is already hard to grind for to get strange coins and armour. And ur saying that we need to fix it? I bet that u really liked those pieces of armour and bought then saw everyone else having it and got butthurt from it because u weren't the only one, and yeah I don't have any exotics or good armour except queens

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                3 Replies
                • Xur is the easy way out for people who can't get exotics but they still have to get strange coins and motes of light for their gear but I agree if you earn a exotic AR and Xur starts selling it it makes it seem like you simply bought it from him when really you put a lot of work into it

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                • [quote][quote]A lot of you seem to misunderstand the point that I'm trying to make in this thread so let me clear it up here. I don't think that Xur should be removed completely. I don't think that items obtained through Xur hold any less value than RING drops. In fact, I think that strange coins are the most valuable currency in the game. But with Xur being so easy to find (google "where is Xur" and you have his location,) the exotics he sells and the coins you buy them with suddenly lose some value. Making him harder to track down would do two things: 1) increase the rarity of his goods, and giving guardians a fun activity to do to obtain those goods. (Tracking down Xur.) 2) having him travel in the wild would fit his character more. His presence in the tower is out of place. [/quote] The entire idea surrounding Exotic gear was that we were meant to tell other Guardians stories of how we got that gear. The RNG system was lame enough, but for the past three weekends Xur has been selling these goodies to every single Guardian. What is so special about the Suros Regime now? What is so special about the helm of Inmost Light? These are exotics I saw again and again before launch and expected to never see in game. Three weeks later and everyone has them. Bungie you are not doing your Exotics justice by letting everyone just purchase them so easily. At least with RNG we didn't see these items every crucible match we played. The other day I got The Last Word from a legendary engram. I wonder how long before Xur ruins this unique gun's rarity. I propose that we ban Xur from the tower. Make him spawn on a random planet every weekend, and have his location change hourly. If he MUST be in the game, at least make him hard to track down. ffs...[/quote] Your mom never changes her block, why should Xur?

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                  5 Replies
                  • I agree! Something isnt exotic if everyone has it

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                  • "I did nothing for an exotic gun so I don't want other people to be able to do nothing and get it too, cause I'm an entitled little baby" I edited it for you sir, feel free to copy and paste

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