If your respective type of character be it Titan, Warlock or Hunter. What personal item would they keep in their pocket? Not guns or outfits but an item they keep, maybe as memory or treasure.
For example: I think my Hunter would keep her first ever strange coin in her pocket... As it's strangeness is what attracts her to it. She doesn't say why... Also she keeps some moon rocks for no reason whatsoever ;)
Edit: I really liked this old post I created some time ago. I'd like to revive it and see where it may go :) its a little old but ah well. What would you put in those pockets?
A flashlight I can turn on. And sticks of gum
A tint RNGesus statue.
My hunter would have a little cassette player just for 1 awesome mix tape he made himself, he would also have one of those really small pocket dictionary's
Tears from all those I've taken down in crucible. Lol. I'm not that good, I just wanted to say something ridiculous
I would keep holes in my pocket. Easier to play pocket pool
a lighter, just in case
A big box of magnums, cause I like to be safe when I screw those fallen...
Condoms. For when I fuxk people up.
My Titan would keep a shard of rock from the first time he did the Croats end raid
A sandwich, pack of gum, 2 paper clips, a rubber band, and 4 pistachios (1 that isn't easily cracked)
A book for when he's waiting for the titans and hunters to stop arguing over the best way to attack a target. A pen to fix mistakes in the book. A notebook to sketch battle plans A camera to take pictures of interesting phenomenon. A strange coin to see if it does something.
My hunter would have a claw from the fallen captain that almost killed him, a tooth from phogoth that he got from he ashes after the kill, a trinket he crafted from the gate lord he killed, a command key he took off of Valus after he was taken down, and finally the small piece of cloth he found from his own remains reminding him of the life he once had prior to becoming a guardian cursed to fight, die, be reassembled again and again day after day for as long as the light remains.
A whetstone for sharpening my knife, and a baggie of trail mix for when im hungry. No raisins, just assorted nuts and chocolate.
Edited by Cobalt: 1/7/2015 6:50:00 PMI'd put a shard of atheon's FACE in my pocket. Either that, I'd put a small bottle of Mtn Dew Voltage in my pocket. I drank a bunch of it on release night so I always think of Destiny release night when I have some. Either that, dog tags with "GKaF" on it. Inside thing with my friends. And it would identify me with my friends.
I have pocket infinity, but i think it's broken because i can't put anything in it...
A picture of my next victim... Yeah you....
Edited by Acceptance: 1/7/2015 1:58:56 PMA snickers
My Precious.
Edited by kotonk: 1/7/2015 6:58:39 PMSurvival food rations Swiss Army Knife (Tinker model) Handheld game system The keys to my Sparrow, my jumpship, and my Tower apartment Wallet with Guardian ID, The Last City credit and bank ATM cards, The Tower medical insurance ID, faction membership ID, and my worn-out Cryptarch Frequent Visitor's Club Card (for every 1000th blue engram you get a chance at... another blue engram!)
Charging cable for dinklebot, a pack of smokes, cans of Monster, possibly my ps4 & xbox one - seriously, have you seen Heart of the Praxic Fire? That thing probably has 500 pockets.
A victor cigar and a old school grenade to remind me that just because we move forward doesn't mean anything has changed
anal lube and nipple clamps