If your respective type of character be it Titan, Warlock or Hunter. What personal item would they keep in their pocket? Not guns or outfits but an item they keep, maybe as memory or treasure.
For example: I think my Hunter would keep her first ever strange coin in her pocket... As it's strangeness is what attracts her to it. She doesn't say why... Also she keeps some moon rocks for no reason whatsoever ;)
Edit: I really liked this old post I created some time ago. I'd like to revive it and see where it may go :) its a little old but ah well. What would you put in those pockets?
anal lube and nipple clamps
I would say pretzels but they'd probably get crushed in a fight so I guess a hold-out knife
Condoms. She's a whore.
A grenade pin from a favorite close call, pictures of the bro' s I served in first raids with, weapon cleaning kit tools, and of course war trophies.
A bag of crack.
A zippo lighter.
- Pack of Cigs, no lighter as I'm a sunsligner - Pic of my boo, the only person everyone likes, Kadi the postmaster robot - my AMEX obviously , never leave the tower without it -
Credit card
My warlock would have the number 42 written on a piece of paper. My titan would have dog tags.
[quote]If your respective type of character be it Titan, Warlock or Hunter. What personal item would they keep in their pocket? Not guns or outfits but an item they keep, maybe as memory or treasure. For example: I think my Hunter would keep her first ever strange coin in her pocket... As it's strangeness is what attracts her to it. She doesn't say why... Also she keeps some moon rocks for no reason whatsoever ;) Edit: I really liked this old post I created some time ago. I'd like to revive it and see where it may go :) its a little old but ah well. What would you put in those pockets?[/quote] On Warlock A lighter, because... -I'm mainly one of those self revive sunsingers -Fire is the answer to everything I would also keep vex runes and stuff On my hunter I'd keep my favorite enemies scalps, like Randal the vandal, Draksis, Phyksis... Mainly the leaders of fallen On my Titan I'd take my huntsman with me, because I always like to cheese :)
My damn Cigars!
My Titan would keep a shard of Atheon's remains in her pockets......the time when Gjallarhorn destroyed him the first time
A little thing called Infinity
This reminds me of the book "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brian.
Since i have pocket infinity id put everything
My Warlock would have a small pocket Dictionary on him. He knows he doesn't know everything... Yet. My Hunter would have an iPod and Bluetooth speaker with him. Jammin' out, you know? My Titan would have sand or dust in his pocket. Spray or throw that shit into someone's eye during a fistfight and it will hurt!
More grenades. Titan with armamentarium.
A dildo
Keys to my ship, coins. I imagine my Hunter would keep interesting shiny things gathered from dead enemies. My Titan would probably have an assortment of armour related tools, spare rivets and things. [spoiler]i don't have a warlock, but if I did it would probably be full of cheese :p I kid, scraps of paper and scribbles of research, odd markings to study.[/spoiler]
My hunter would keep and extra knife in his pocket just in case his current one got stuck in the head of a praetorian
Ssmsung Galaxy S5...
Some candy
A pocket pussy
Bag of weed, maybe some blunt and j papes. My guardian likes to get messed up man.