If your respective type of character be it Titan, Warlock or Hunter. What personal item would they keep in their pocket? Not guns or outfits but an item they keep, maybe as memory or treasure.
For example: I think my Hunter would keep her first ever strange coin in her pocket... As it's strangeness is what attracts her to it. She doesn't say why... Also she keeps some moon rocks for no reason whatsoever ;)
Edit: I really liked this old post I created some time ago. I'd like to revive it and see where it may go :) its a little old but ah well. What would you put in those pockets?
A space menorah
Infinite. Of course. Lol. Because you have to have pocket to make infinite.
A leaf. Why? Because why not.
I would put one hand in my pocket, and the other one would play a piano
Future cigs that don't give you cancer and a mustache/beard comb.
my Titan has this clipped to his waist
Ringses. Stolen Ringses.
if I had pockets I would put more content for this game in them.
Pocket infinity
But none of the armor has pockets
beef jerky
Infinity, then it'd turn exotic.
Pocket Infinity.
The warlock a book, the hunter a tent and the titan from thise iron knuckel things (don't what it is in english for me it is box beugel)
Probably a locket with a picture of my first lover. And a folded up copy of the restraining order reminding me to stay 500 feet away from her, her kids, and her husband at all times.
A nice piece of malachite from the old world.
My Warlock keeps a few hits of acid in her pocket for just in case. I mean, let's be serious guys... those space monsters aren't REAL.....
As a warlock I would keep: A golden age pocket watch A journal A game boy color with Pokemon Red A tomagachi And a picture of my beloved
Prolly Space Mentos. Oh, and various lengths of wire.
idk i have no back story
Edited by Poratha: 10/1/2014 3:56:33 PMMy Hunter would carry a picture of my family to remind me that they are there even in the darkest of times.
[spoiler]more pockets[/spoiler] [spoiler]pockets are nice[/spoiler] [spoiler]I like pockets[/spoiler] [spoiler]:)[/spoiler]