If your respective type of character be it Titan, Warlock or Hunter. What personal item would they keep in their pocket? Not guns or outfits but an item they keep, maybe as memory or treasure.
For example: I think my Hunter would keep her first ever strange coin in her pocket... As it's strangeness is what attracts her to it. She doesn't say why... Also she keeps some moon rocks for no reason whatsoever ;)
Edit: I really liked this old post I created some time ago. I'd like to revive it and see where it may go :) its a little old but ah well. What would you put in those pockets?
Pocket sand
The broken rds from the first auto rifle.
A picture of a past i can't remember alongside dog tags from my disgraced brethren ssifisv persvek martivir thurirl
My Titan would keep a key in her pocket, and have a reminder of what life was like before.
U sure she doesnt keep the coin cause it vibrates? Maybe she should hold onto a dozen or so vibrating coins.
A mirror. Everyone's shooting lasers. I Wana see if I can reflect it back haha
House keys
A picture of someone else's happy family. I'm am Exo.
Actually. I do have something. The scarf my ghost put together for me when I was resurrected. For my Titan it's the first gun I found. The one in the tutorial level. But in theory. My Hunter keeps a sewing kit and some Tide to go. Can't be seen with a dirty cloak. Titan has a nice watch. He's an Exo. But for some reason it comforts him to have a reliable, precision device.
Inception. Nuff said.
My hunter would keep the cartridge of the first headshot she made.
My hunter would have a rusted shut locket that was on her when revived via her ghost. As well as a small journal and pen to keep a log of her travels
A marble. The transparent ones with the little color design inside. People called them "Cats Eyes."
A broom. Cause it's a mess out there!
My pen... Because I can write best with this particular pen.
A banana.
Something to play music with, possibly a pre-golden age item, like an iPod shuffle, loaded up with classic rock
A good flashlight...
I would keep a pocket within my pocket
A warlock with a gold zippo he found in some rubble on earth
An iPhone 6+ to bend
For my human male titan, it would be something from his past, before the golden age.
Edited by razzmatazz115: 9/28/2014 4:24:20 PMFor my titan: duct tape
I'd keep a really small planet in my pocket lol
[b]Hot Pockets. Gotta eat while your battling. In my case, Oil Pockets. 'Cause I'm an Exo.[/b]
A glass dildo