If your respective type of character be it Titan, Warlock or Hunter. What personal item would they keep in their pocket? Not guns or outfits but an item they keep, maybe as memory or treasure.
For example: I think my Hunter would keep her first ever strange coin in her pocket... As it's strangeness is what attracts her to it. She doesn't say why... Also she keeps some moon rocks for no reason whatsoever ;)
Edit: I really liked this old post I created some time ago. I'd like to revive it and see where it may go :) its a little old but ah well. What would you put in those pockets?
Extra bullets
I would have a chocolate bar and a soda.
I would have a satchel actually. With a piece of sepiks primes shell, (nothing hive because -blam!- those nasties,) one of the gate lords fingers, and a cabal psion flayers guantlet.[spoiler]It's the spoils of war gentlemen[/spoiler]
A locket with the picture of my beloved ^_^
Ahamaka spine piece that was "borrowed" from the cryptarcs look at the ghost grimore for warlock
For my titan, a small piece of metal in which I can mark the amount of kills I have gotten on my weapon or helmet!!
I would keep a legendary engram that actually turned into a legendary item.
Well my character was fighting off the darkness then he got cancer and he couldn't fight anymore but he insisted than he died in old Russia where he got revived by the ghost and what does he have in his pocket? A picture of his old family: Wife, 1 girl, and 2 boys
What would I put in my pockets? Certainly not an IPhone 6 Plus. XD
I feel like my titan would keep a small stuffed bear, he doesn't remember where he got it but he can't let go of it.
I would keep smaller pockets for storing more things
Edited by Sithisvoid666: 9/28/2014 9:49:57 PMA handcannon
The first bullet I got hit with.
A small fragment of the traveller so no matter where I am the light will always be with me
Not an iPhone six plus.
My hunter keeps a rubixs cube in her pocket. She sometimes lets the cryptarch inspect it in exchange for better engram results. Neither my hunter or the cryptarch have managed to crack it. But they hang on to it in the hope that it does something special
Edited by Mattyy: 9/27/2014 12:45:14 PManything but an iPhone 6/Plus #bendgate
shes just hording the strange coin because its warm to the touch and vibrates gently.
I play as a Titan, who always carries a bullet in his pocket
A lighter and a deck of cards.
Edited by hamsterboom: 9/27/2014 11:09:06 AMA small bottle of [u]OIL[/u] ... as an exo the activities that are assigned to me to defeat meatbags can cause some rusting of joints and being that creates a weird sqeaking from my legs and arms .. an annoying soundd to my internal recording devices. [Please refer to exo model titan 47.5 internal processes guide] Meatbags ((living things )) can hear me coming from what i estimate is 12.0035 meters away which causes one to try diffrent means of cancelling a meatbags funtions, be it that my grenade that would be launched at the meatbag to ensure that the meatbag is either distracted [due to its inferior meatbag brain] or my meatbag hole maker will be used against the nasty little meatbags .. Please exscuse my language my operating system has not had an update in about 132.3 Earth years ..
A robe and wizard hat.
Obviously space condoms. I mean I'm a male Hunter and there's that lone wolf Female Hunter in the story mode. We'll both make kickass little EXO babies if we don't keep it safe. Now's not the time for kids.
A pair of aviators, some old bottle caps tied together on a string, and an old deck of cards.
Why have pockets when everything appears and is stored with transmat(space magic)?
A cellphone so I could actually communicate with people