If your respective type of character be it Titan, Warlock or Hunter. What personal item would they keep in their pocket? Not guns or outfits but an item they keep, maybe as memory or treasure.
For example: I think my Hunter would keep her first ever strange coin in her pocket... As it's strangeness is what attracts her to it. She doesn't say why... Also she keeps some moon rocks for no reason whatsoever ;)
Edit: I really liked this old post I created some time ago. I'd like to revive it and see where it may go :) its a little old but ah well. What would you put in those pockets?
Ammo synths and consumables. Assuming I'd have a hot key to pull them out from said convenient pockets. Or are they in my options screen too?
A GameBoy Advance with Pokémon Fire Red
Deck of cards for passing the time or a bible.
A copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And a towel.
A copy of Battletoads my hunter found in a golden age video game retail store
I'd put a hole in my pocket
Warlock: A few books to read and study. Titan: Dumbells to workout wherever. Hunter: Jacks and a rubber ball. All: Some personal momento's like spoils of war and items from deceased friends and lovers.
Picture of my girlfriend First strange coin First Warlock bond I was ever given
Mementos of vanquished foes of course!
A bottle of Pepto.
A case with rolled blunts, for, you know, when i whoop that monkey ass after raids and roc strikes.
My warlock would keep a bullet with her name on it in her pocket.
A small Ahamkara bone fragment. As leader of the Order of the Ahamkara I take special interest in these strange artifacts. They may have more secrets to uncover than the other Warlocks realize...
My Warlock- A Journal AKA The Grimoire My Titan- 2 Multi Pound Dumbells- Can be set any where between 50- 500Kgs My Hunter- A pair of Loaded dice, you never know when you need a 7...
Eris' hands
My first "Guardian tears" bounty
An old iPod from before touch screen, damn those things could take a beating
An FMG-9, screw the no gun rule.
I'm just gonna pocket shit Chicken bits and chocolate chips And anyone that's starting shit is getting hit with rocket ships I'ma drop a bomb on anyone that's even talking shit It's politics, wanna come start the next apocalypse?
For my lock, a book on pre-golden age german... ya know just in case. For my hunter, a knife sharpener.
Bag of infinite holding.