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Edited by Endlex: 9/26/2014 8:47:22 PM

Yesteryday's network Issues has caused bugged accounts

I've been on the forums reading about others suffering issues with their accounts since the network hiccup yesterday afternoon/evening (EST) and have come to the conclusion (as others have) that we all suffered some sort of item bug due to a rollback. During the rollback'd period, we had made changes to items (identifying them, depositing them, etc) and this is the cause of our issue. I'm making this post because everyone's issues are being continuously buried under rants and other posts and I have yet to see this issue catching any Bungie employee's attention. If you believe you are experiencing this issue or have any other information that might help further narrow down the cause of this bug please do so. Our centipede errors are not a network issue and WILL NOT sort themselves out on their own or through changes in our network. I've also included below some symptoms for those unsure if they are affected by this issue. Symptoms: - Experienced a rollback yesterday returning items to prior states (from identified to encrypted, back in inventory from vault) - Get Centipede errors when trying to connect after late afternoon (EST) yesterday - Your Bnet Destiny profile is failing to load while logged into your account (and sometimes when not) - Other accounts work on your console/network Please help bring this to Bungie's attention and get us an official response of acknowledgement. EDIT: My experience. In the events leading up to and following yesterday's hiccup I started out in cosmodrome and returned to the tower. In the tower I grabbed my public event reward from the post master and proceeded to deposit three ascendant shard I was awarded into my vault. I may have also turned in a bounty and replaced or with a new one, but i cannot confirm this with full confidence. Afterwards I returned to the cosmodrome (patrol) and continued doing bounties and patrol missions. I was kicked back shortly afterwards and was returned to orbit. I noticed my character had lost the experience gained during the patrol causing me to return to level 7. I loaded up patrol again and leveled myself to 8. After finishing my patrol bounty I began the first mission to kill raksis(or something like that) and was continually kicked to orbit with varying errors including centipede and monkey mostly. After a few failed attempts I decided to log out. Upon trying to reconnect I continually got centipede errors. I decided there may be some network issues and turned my console off. I tried again this morning and the problem persisted and that's when I began my own investigation.

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  • And I can't quite grasp the fact, that there's actually employees(mods) on this site deleting posts that are non-offensive.. ??? non-vulgar?? I would like access to my account.. All hands on deck to help resolve the problem, whoever can"t contribute in such manner, maybe talk to the community and give semi-frequent updates?

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    3 Replies
    • All the progress that i did yesterday was reset it. Please help

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    • To everyone with a ps4 if you initialize it again it should work or it did with me. Go to settings and select initialize (the very bottom) then do full and it should work afterwards. It does take a while

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      3 Replies
      • I still keep getting the centipede error code when I try to play Destiny. I play on Xbox One and my GT is crazygarfield88.

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by suterranean42: 9/27/2014 8:11:39 PM
          it seems working better now. i can sign in and go to my profile and load it. no missing items or downgrades ( maybe cause my dissconections started some hours before the patch?) ... but it still disconects me with errors baboon cocobut grape impala girafe.. mostly when i fly somwhere... strangely the game showed me that the queens wrath just started.... maybe thay are working on something... i hope so... [b]update[/b] oooookay guess it was just luck... same s*** again... can't get past "signing in" screen. its the third day...

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        • After i select my character it goes into what seems like an endless load and nothing.... 3 days now is this the same thing everyone else is dealing with......??xbox one fokidznavan83

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        • I'm getting excited... Pretty soon there are going to be very entertaining videos of everyone destroying their Games in interesting ways!!!

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        • its still not working at all i can't acsess anything even tho my network and xbox live is perfect

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        • 0
          I'm logged in fine, but I can't seem to find any other player. I don't know if it's the fact that no one can log in or its a bug. Anyone else are able to log in but not see any players online?

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        • Yeah I agree...this is getting very annoying, and I'm about to return this game.

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        • Edited by SeekerofPower17: 9/27/2014 1:39:31 PM
          Since the issues, I can't access any of my collectors edition items, my blacksmith shader or my preorder sparrow. They ate in my inventory, but i cant choose them. I never got centipede error, i got error monkey.

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          1 Reply
          • I can't do matchmaking or group with my friends on Destiny. Other games are working and my internet is rock solid so it has to be an account issue. What a weird screw up.

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          • I think it's obvious everyone's accounts got corrupted and they are restoring from backup which is why you will lose progress. If this is indeed the case it will be a one by one process, since I doubt we were all on the same server.

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          • Thank you for finally bringing this up. I posted it in another Forum but i didn't start one of my own. I was decrypting engrams when i was disconnected which lead to Centipede Error for past 24 hours. I can log onto my friends account via same XBOX One so I that it is a bugged account. Thank you for bringing this to their attention

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            2 Replies
            • Still can't login. 360 GT: Software02

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            • It's finally working for me, I'm on 360. It might be a case by case that they are working on.

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              4 Replies
              • I'm still having the issue. On Thursday night UK time I started getting bounced out of my party/back to Earth. I spoke with the Cryptarch and had to redo one of my engrams. Haven't been able to log in since (checked as of 7:30 GMT). Fingers crossed I'll be up and running after work today. -TommyRodge

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                • I'm still bugged and I am as keen as anyone else to have it fixed. I can stand not getting exotics this week, however I have the toland's legacy bounty sitting in my inventory and I really do not wish to miss my chance to talk to Xur so that I can continue it and complete it (Having only 4 open bounty slots is mildly infuriating). I've included my information below (along with replying to Master) in hopes to get this sorted out as soon as possible. I play on PS4 and my PSN is LiteLeaf.

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                  • Edited by Gabigotrek: 9/27/2014 4:21:20 PM
                    Más de 24 horas sin poder jugar con mi Titan nivel 25. Mis amigos continuan subiendo de nivel y cada vez hay más diferencia entre nosotros y nadie de Bungie va informando que se esta haciendo y si se recuperara los personajes perdidos. Confiaba mucho en este juego y en la compañia Bungie pero cada vez pierdo más las ganas de jugar. Compre edición limitada con los dos próximos dlc, sino fuese por esto casi desinstalaria el juego y me olvidaria de él. Y asi se lo estoy haciendo llegar a todos mis conocidos. PSN: gabigotrek

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                  • I am having the same problems as you guys. Keep getting the centipede error screen. Then a playstation warning flashes on the screen saying that i'm using illegal content!?!? That latest patch did mess with my account. Bungie sort this problem out immediately! A lot of people paid good money to play this game. Not to look at error screens! PSN: SanchotheSavager PS4

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                  • BTW This Friday was the first time I was able to play the game

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                    1 Reply
                    • I've lost all my progress from yesterday, and even a bit beyond that......

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                      3 Replies
                      • I lost all my progress that I did yesterday and even a bit more....gear got rolled back a lot and some Gear got lost. Xbox One GT: DeAtHuNtEr X

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                      • disconnect centiped Caterpillar monkey pffffffff

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                      • Been having problems since the weekend with all the farm animals, please bungie help, I'm about to give up...

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                      • Same problem. Can´t play anymore.

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